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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, I, 2L, P and 2T

ALLOPATHISTallopathist n. A practitioner of allopathy.
ALLOPATHIST n. one who practises allopathy, orthodox medical treatment, also ALLOPATH.
CAPPELLETTIcappelletti n. (Cooking) A circular form of ravioli.
CAPPELLETTI n. (Italian) small hat-shaped pasta pieces, filled with meat or cheese.
MULTIPLANTSSorry, definition not available.
PASTELLISTSpastellists n. Plural of pastellist.
PASTELLIST n. an artist who works in pastel, also PASTELIST.
PHILATELISTphilatelist n. A person who collects and studies postage stamps.
PHILATELIST n. a stamp collector.
POSTILLATEDpostillated v. Simple past tense and past participle of postillate.
POSTILLATE v. to explain by marginal notes.
POSTILLATESpostillates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of postillate.
POSTILLATE v. to explain by marginal notes.
POSTILLATORpostillator n. One who postillates; one who expounds the Scriptures verse by verse.
POSTILLATOR n. one who postillates, explains by marginal notes.
POTENTIALLYpotentially adv. In a manner showing much potential; with the possibility of happening in a given way.
potentially adv. (Obsolete) Powerfully, strongly.
POTENTIAL adv. latent, possible or likely.
POTENTILLASpotentillas n. Plural of potentilla.
POTENTILLA n. any of various chiefly yellow-flowered plants of the genus Potentilla.
PRATTLINGLYprattlingly adv. (Rare, dated) With prattle, or worthless talk.
PRATTLING adv. PRATTLE, to talk at length about nothing in particular.
PULSATILITYpulsatility n. The state or quality of being pulsatile.
pulsatility n. The difference in the systolic and diastolic velocities in the circulation of the blood.
PULSATILITY n. the state of being pulsatile.
TOPLOFTICALtoploftical adj. (Humorous, dated) Haughty, hoity-toity, superior.
TOPLOFTICAL adj. high and mighty; haughty, also TOPLOFTY.
TRIPLETAILStripletails n. Plural of tripletail.
triple-tails n. Plural of triple-tail.
TRIPLETAIL n. a large marine bony fish, common on the southern and middle coasts of the United States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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