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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, 2I, 2N and 2R

ANTIRRHINUMantirrhinum n. Any plant of the genus Antirrhinum of snapdragons.
Antirrhinum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plantaginaceae – the snapdragons.
ANTIRRHINUM n. a garden flower, aka snapdragon.
ARRAIGNINGSarraignings n. Plural of arraigning.
ARRAIGNING n. a calling before a court of law to answer an indictment.
DARRAIGNINGdarraigning v. Present participle of darraign.
darraigning v. Present participle of darraigne.
DARRAIGN v. to justify, put in battle array, also DARRAIN, DARRAINE, DARRAYN.
GARRISONINGgarrisoning v. Present participle of garrison.
GARRISON v. to assign to a military post.
GREGARINIANGREGARINIAN adj. of or like a gregarine.
INCINERATORincinerator n. A furnace that burns refuse.
INCINERATOR n. one that incinerates.
INERRANCIESinerrancies n. Plural of inerrancy.
INERRANCY n. exemption from error, infallibility.
INFIRMARIANinfirmarian n. One who works in a nunnery or monastery, caring for the nuns or monks who become ill, as well as caring…
infirmarian n. The superintendent of an infirmary within a college or other institution.
INFIRMARIAN n. (historical) an officer in a mediaeval monastery who was in charge of the infirmary, also INFIRMARER.
INTERBRAINSinterbrains n. Plural of interbrain.
INTERBRAIN n. the diencephalon.
INTERLINEARinterlinear adj. (Of text) inserted between the lines of a text.
interlinear adj. Having alternate lines of text in different languages.
interlinear n. A translated text having alternate lines in different languages.
INTERSTRAINinterstrain adj. (Biology) Between strains.
INTERSTRAIN adj. between strains.
NONIRRITANTnonirritant n. A substance that is not an irritant.
NONIRRITANT n. something that is not an irritant.
PRETRAININGpretraining v. Present participle of pretrain.
pretraining adj. Before training.
pre-training v. Present participle of pre-train.
REORDAININGreordaining v. Present participle of reordain.
REORDAIN v. to ordain again.
RESTRAININGrestraining v. Present participle of restrain.
restraining n. The act by which someone or something is restrained.
RESTRAINING n. the act of restraining.
RETRAININGSRETRAINING n. the act of training again.
RINGBARKINGringbarking v. Present participle of ringbark.
ring-barking v. Present participle of ring-bark.
RINGBARK v. to strip a ring of bark from a tree.
TRANSPIRINGtranspiring v. Present participle of transpire.
TRANSPIRE v. to give off as vapour; to exhale; to emit through the skin.
TRINITARIANtrinitarian n. Alternative form of Trinitarian.
trinitarian adj. Alternative form of Trinitarian.
Trinitarian n. Someone who believes in the Trinity, the three persons of the Godhead.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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