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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, 3I, 2R and T

APRIORITIESapriorities n. Plural of apriority.
APRIORITY n. the quality of being innate in the mind, or prior to experience.
FRITILLARIAfritillaria n. (Botany) Any plant in the genus Fritillaria.
Fritillaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Liliaceae – the fritillary flowering plants.
Fritillaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fritillariidae – many small free-swimming tunicates.
IRRADIATINGirradiating v. Present participle of irradiate.
IRRADIATE v. to shed light or other rays upon or into.
IRRADIATIONirradiation n. An act of irradiating, or state of being irradiated.
irradiation n. (Obsolete) illumination; irradiance; brilliance.
irradiation n. (Obsolete, figurative) mental light or illumination.
IRRADIATIVEirradiative adj. That irradiates.
irradiative adj. That involves radiation.
IRRADIATIVE adj. performing irradiation.
IRREALITIESirrealities n. Plural of irreality.
IRREALITY n. unreality.
IRRIGATIONSirrigations n. Plural of irrigation.
IRRIGATION n. the therapeutic flushing of a body part with a stream of liquid.
IRRITANCIESirritancies n. Plural of irritancy.
IRRITANCY n. the state of being null and void.
IRRITATIONSirritations n. Plural of irritation.
IRRITATION n. the act of irritating.
ITINERARIESitineraries n. Plural of itinerary.
ITINERARY n. a plan or record of a journey.
MINORITAIREMINORITAIRE n. (French) a member of a minority section of a political party, esp. a socialist one.
PRIMIPARITYprimiparity n. The condition of being primiparous.
PRIMIPARITY n. the bearing of one's first child.
TRINITARIANtrinitarian n. Alternative form of Trinitarian.
trinitarian adj. Alternative form of Trinitarian.
Trinitarian n. Someone who believes in the Trinity, the three persons of the Godhead.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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