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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, H, I, N, P, S and U

AUTOPHONIESAUTOPHONY n. apparent distortion of one's own voice due to infection or stoppage of ears.
BUSHMANSHIPbushmanship n. The survival skills of a bushman.
BUSHMANSHIP n. the craft of the bushman.
CHINQUAPINSchinquapins n. Plural of chinquapin.
CHINQUAPIN n. (Native American) the dwarf chestnut of the US, also CHINCAPIN, CHINKAPIN.
CLUBMANSHIPclubmanship n. Cliquishness, as between members of a club.
CLUBMANSHIP n. the state of being a clubman.
DUENNASHIPSDUENNASHIP n. the office of duenna.
EPIGNATHOUSepignathous adj. (Zoology) hook-billed; having the upper mandible longer than the lower one.
EPIGNATHOUS adj. having a protruding upper jaw.
EUPHORIANTSeuphoriants n. Plural of euphoriant.
EUPHORIANT n. a drug that tends to induce euphoria.
GNAPHALIUMSgnaphaliums n. Plural of gnaphalium.
GNAPHALIUM n. a genus of composite plants with white or colored dry and persistent involucres.
GUNMANSHIPSGUNMANSHIP n. the state of being a gunman.
NALBUPHINESNALBUPHINE n. a synthetic narcotic, an analgesic structurally similar to morphine.
PAUNCHINESSpaunchiness n. The state or condition of being paunchy.
PAUNCHINESS n. the state of being paunchy.
PURCHASINGSpurchasings n. Plural of purchasing.
PURCHASING n. the act of buying.
PUSCHKINIASpuschkinias n. Plural of puschkinia.
PUSCHKINIA n. (Russian) a genus of spring-flowering bulbous plants native to western Asia.
SPRAUCHLINGsprauchling v. Present participle of sprauchle.
SPRAUCHLE v. (Scots) to clamber, also SPRACKLE.
SULPHATIONSsulphations n. Plural of sulphation.
SULPHATION n. the act of forming a sulphate, also SULFATION.
SULTANSHIPSsultanships n. Plural of sultanship.
SULTANSHIP n. the office or dignity of a sultan.
TRUANTSHIPSTRUANTSHIP n. the conduct of a truant.
UNHAPPINESSunhappiness n. The feeling of not being happy.
UNHAPPINESS n. the state of being unhappy.
XIPHOSURANSxiphosurans n. Plural of xiphosuran.
XIPHOSURAN n. a member of the Xiphosura.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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