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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, H, I, M, O, R and U

AMPHIGOURISAMPHIGOURI n. a nonsensical piece of writing, usually in verse form, typically composed as a parody, also AMPHIGORY.
ARCHEGONIUMarchegonium n. (Botany) A multicellular reproductive structure that contains a large, non-motile gamete (egg cell)…
ARCHEGONIUM n. the structure on the pteridophyte prothallus that produces the sessile female gametes.
AUTOMORPHICautomorphic adj. (Geology) Describing a mineral, in an igneous rock, that is bounded by its own crystal face; euhedral, idiomorphic.
automorphic adj. (Mathematics) Describing a number whose square ends in the number itself; circular.
automorphic adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to automorphy or an automorphism.
DIATHERMOUSdiathermous adj. Freely permeable by radiant heat.
DIATHERMOUS adj. permeable to or able to conduct radiant heat, also DIATHERMIC.
EUCHROMATICeuchromatic adj. Of or pertaining to euchromatin.
EUCHROMATIC adj. of or like euchromatin.
EUCHROMATINeuchromatin n. (Genetics) uncoiled dispersed threads of chromosomal material that occurs during interphase; it stains…
EUCHROMATIN n. the part of chromatin that is genetically active and is largely composed of genes.
HONORARIUMShonorariums n. Plural of honorarium.
HONORARIUM n. a voluntary fee paid esp. to a professional person for their services.
HUMILIATORShumiliators n. Plural of humiliator.
HUMILIATOR n. one who humiliates.
HUMILIATORYhumiliatory adj. Humiliating.
HUMILIATORY adj. serving to humiliate, also HUMILIATIVE.
HUMORALISMShumoralisms n. Plural of humoralism.
HUMORALISM n. the state of being humoral.
HUMORALISTShumoralists n. Plural of humoralist.
HUMORALIST n. one who favors the humoral pathology or believes in humoralism.
JUMHOURIYASJUMHOURIYA n. (Arabic) in Arab socialist states, the people or proletariat state, also JAMAHIRIYA.
MULTIAUTHORmultiauthor adj. Written by more than one author.
MULTIAUTHOR adj. having many authors.
OPHIDIARIUMophidiarium n. A place for keeping snakes.
OPHIDIARIUM n. a snake-house.
OUTCHARMINGoutcharming v. Present participle of outcharm.
OUTCHARM v. to surpass in charming.
OUTMARCHINGoutmarching v. Present participle of outmarch.
OUTMARCH v. to surpass in marching.
PROTHALLIUMprothallium n. A plant, usually a pteridophyte, in gametophyte stage in the metagenesis cycle.
prothallium n. The young gametophyte of a liverwort or peat moss.
PROTHALLIUM n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLUS.
RHIZOMATOUSrhizomatous adj. (Botany) Having the nature or habit of a rhizome or rootstock.
RHIZOMATOUS adj. having the form of a rhizome.
SUBHARMONICsubharmonic adj. (Physics) Having a frequency that is a fraction of a fundamental frequency.
subharmonic n. Such a frequency.
SUBHARMONIC n. a tone below a harmonic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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