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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, H, I, 2L, M and O

ALCOHOLISMSalcoholisms n. Plural of alcoholism.
ALCOHOLISM n. continued excessive or compulsive use of alcoholic drinks.
ALLOMORPHICallomorphic adj. Pertaining to allomorphism or to allomorphs.
ALLOMORPHIC adj. of or like an allomorph.
ALLOTHEISMSALLOTHEISM n. belief in or worship of strange gods.
CHLORALISMSCHLORALISM n. a morbid condition of the system resulting from excessive use of chloral.
HOMICIDALLYhomicidally adv. In a homicidal manner.
homicidally adv. For the purpose of committing homicide.
HOMICIDAL adv. related to homicide.
HOMILETICALhomiletical adj. Of or relating to familiar intercourse; social; companionable.
homiletical adj. Of or relating to homiletics; homiletic; hortatory.
HOMILETICAL adj. relating to homily or the art of preaching, also HOMILETIC.
HOMOLOGICALhomological adj. (Biology) Having a similar evolutionary origin; homologous.
homological adj. (Mathematics) Having to do with homology.
homological adj. (Grammar) Of an adjective, describing itself.
HOMOTHALLIChomothallic adj. (Of some algae and fungi) Producing male and female reproductive structures in the same plant.
homothallic n. A homothallic fungus or alga.
HOMOTHALLIC adj. male and female organs in the same thallus.
MALACOPHILYmalacophily n. (Botany) pollination by snails.
MALACOPHILY n. pollination by snails.
MELANCHOLIAmelancholia n. Deep sadness or gloom; melancholy.
melancholia n. (Pathology) depression, characterised by irrational fears, guilt and apathy.
MELANCHOLIA n. a state of melancholy.
MELANCHOLICmelancholic adj. Filled with or affected by melancholy—great sadness or depression, especially of a thoughtful or introspective…
melancholic adj. (Dated) Pertaining to black bile (melancholy).
melancholic adj. (Classical temperament) Pertaining to the melancholic temperament or its associated personality traits.
MESOTHELIALmesothelial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the mesothelium.
MESOTHELIAL adj. of or like the mesothelium, squamous cells lining peritoneum, pericardium, and pleura.
MISHALLOWEDmishallowed adj. Consecrated to evil uses, or by unhallowed means.
MISHALLOWED adj. (archaic) consecrated to evil.
MOTHBALLINGmothballing v. Present participle of mothball.
mothballing n. The act of something being mothballed: taken out of service and stored for possible later use.
MOTHBALL v. to put into mothballs.
PHYLLOMANIAphyllomania n. (Botany) The over-production of leaves by a plant (usually a tree), at the expense of flowers, seeds, etc.
PHYLLOMANIA n. abnormal leaf-production.
PROTHALLIUMprothallium n. A plant, usually a pteridophyte, in gametophyte stage in the metagenesis cycle.
prothallium n. The young gametophyte of a liverwort or peat moss.
PROTHALLIUM n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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