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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, H, 2I, M and 2N

ADMONISHINGadmonishing v. Present participle of admonish.
admonishing n. Admonishment.
ADMONISH v. to reprove mildly.
ANTIRRHINUMantirrhinum n. Any plant of the genus Antirrhinum of snapdragons.
Antirrhinum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plantaginaceae – the snapdragons.
ANTIRRHINUM n. a garden flower, aka snapdragon.
CHAIRMANINGchairmaning v. Present participle of chairman.
CHAIRMAN v. to act as chairman of.
CHAMPIONINGchampioning v. Present participle of champion.
championing n. The act of one who champions something; fervent support.
CHAMPION v. to defend or support.
HARMONISINGharmonising v. Present participle of harmonise.
HARMONISE v. to bring into harmony, also HARMONIZE.
HARMONIZINGharmonizing v. Present participle of harmonize.
HARMONIZE v. to bring into harmony, also HARMONISE.
INHARMONIESinharmonies n. Plural of inharmony.
INHARMONY n. want of harmony.
INHUMATIONSinhumations n. Plural of inhumation.
INHUMATION n. burial.
MACHINATINGmachinating v. Present participle of machinate.
MACHINATE v. to plan; to contrive; esp. to form a scheme with the purpose of doing harm.
MACHINATIONmachination n. A clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes.
machination n. The act of machinating or plotting.
MACHINATION n. an act of machinating.
MECHANICIANmechanician n. (Dated) One skilled in the theory or construction of machines.
mechanician n. (Dated) One skilled in building, using, or repairing machines, or who makes machines or tools.
mechanician n. (Dated) One skilled in mechanics.
MECHANISINGmechanising v. Present participle of mechanise.
MECHANISE v. to make mechanical, also MECHANIZE.
MECHANIZINGmechanizing v. Present participle of mechanize.
MECHANIZE v. to make mechanical, also MECHANISE.
MISCHANCINGmischancing v. Present participle of mischance.
MISCHANCE v. to happen amiss.
MISHANDLINGmishandling v. Present participle of mishandle.
mishandling n. Incorrect handling; mismanagement.
MISHANDLING n. e act of handling wrongly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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