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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, G, 2N, P, R and U

BANKRUPTINGbankrupting v. Present participle of bankrupt.
BANKRUPT v. to make insolvent.
ENRAPTURINGenrapturing v. Present participle of enrapture.
ENRAPTURE v. to delight.
PENTANGULARpentangular adj. Having five corners or angles.
PENTANGULAR adj. having the shape of a pentangle.
PREATTUNINGPREATTUNE v. to attune in advance.
REPUGNANCESrepugnances n. Plural of repugnance.
REPUGNANCE n. strong dislike, antipathy, also REPUGNANCY.
REPUGNANTLYrepugnantly adv. In a repugnant manner.
REPUGNANT adv. distasteful, odious.
SUPERNATINGSUPERNATE v. to float on a surface.
UNAPPROVINGunapproving adj. Not approving.
UNAPPROVING adj. not approving.
UNDERPAYINGunderpaying v. Present participle of underpay.
UNDERPAY v. to pay less than is deserved.
UNPARAGONEDunparagoned adj. (Archaic) Superlative; the best; without equal.
UNPARAGONED adj. unmatched.
UNPARDONINGunpardoning adj. That does not pardon; unforgiving.
UNPARDONING adj. not pardoning.
UNPREACHINGunpreaching v. Present participle of unpreach.
UNPREACH v. to recant in preaching.
UNPREPARINGunpreparing v. Present participle of unprepare.
UNPREPARE v. to make unprepared.
UNREPUGNANTunrepugnant adj. Not repugnant.
UNREPUGNANT adj. not repugnant.
UNSPARINGLYunsparingly adv. In an unsparing manner.
UNSPARING adv. not sparing.
UNSTRAPPINGunstrapping v. Present participle of unstrap.
UNSTRAP v. to remove a strap from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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