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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, G, L, N, S, T and V

EVANGELISTSevangelists n. Plural of evangelist.
Evangelists n. Plural of Evangelist.
EVANGELIST n. a writer of any of the four Gospels.
EVERLASTINGeverlasting adj. Lasting or enduring forever; existing or continuing without end.
everlasting adj. Continuing indefinitely, or during a long period; perpetual; sometimes used, colloquially, as a strong intensive.
everlasting adj. (Philosophy) Existing with infinite temporal duration (as opposed to existence outside of time).
INVIGILATESinvigilates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of invigilate.
INVIGILATE v. to keep watch; esp. to supervise students at an examination.
LEVIGATIONSlevigations n. Plural of levigation.
LEVIGATION n. the act or operation of levigating.
OVERSALTINGoversalting v. Present participle of oversalt.
OVERSALT v. to salt to excess.
SOLIVAGANTSsolivagants n. Plural of solivagant.
SOLIVAGANT n. one who wanders alone.
STARVELINGSstarvelings n. Plural of starveling.
STARVELING n. a starving, weak, hungry or pining person.
TRAVELLINGStravellings n. Plural of travelling.
TRAVELLING n. the act of travelling.
VANTAGELESSvantageless adj. Without a vantage.
VANTAGELESS adj. without vantage.
VIGILANTISMvigilantism n. The activities of a vigilante; acting outside of legal authority, often violently, to punish or avenge…
VIGILANTISM n. acting as a vigilante.
VIRGINALISTvirginalist n. A musician who plays the virginal.
VIRGINALIST n. one who plays on a virginal.
WAVELENGTHSwavelengths n. Plural of wavelength.
WAVELENGTH n. the distance in the line of advance of a wave from any one point to the next point of corresponding phase.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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