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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing A, G, L, M, 2N and U

ALUMINISINGaluminising v. Present participle of aluminise.
ALUMINISE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINIZE.
ALUMINIZINGaluminizing v. Present participle of aluminize.
ALUMINIZE v. to treat metal so as to form an aluminum coating on its surface, also ALUMINISE.
CULMINATINGculminating v. Present participle of culminate.
CULMINATE v. to climax.
FULMINATINGfulminating v. Present participle of fulminate.
fulminating adj. Explosive.
fulminating adj. (Medicine) Describing any sudden and severe (often fatal) inflammation.
LONGANIMOUSlonganimous adj. Long-suffering; patient; showing self-control and restraint.
LONGANIMOUS adj. disposed to bear injuries patiently.
MANGULATINGMANGULATE v. (Australian slang) to bend out of shape, mangle.
MONOLINGUALmonolingual adj. Knowing or using a single language; written or spoken in a single language.
monolingual n. A person who knows or uses only a single language; a monoglot.
MONOLINGUAL n. one who speaks one language only.
OUTMANTLINGoutmantling v. Present participle of outmantle.
OUTMANTLE v. (archaic) to exceed in dress or ornament.
UNAMUSINGLYunamusingly adv. In an unamusing manner.
UNAMUSING adv. not amusing.
UNMANACLINGunmanacling v. Present participle of unmanacle.
UNMANACLE v. to free from manacles.
UNMEANINGLYunmeaningly adv. In an unmeaning way; without meaning.
UNMEANING adv. having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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