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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, G, 2L, N, P and R

APPARELLINGapparelling v. Present participle of apparel.
apparelling n. Clothing.
APPAREL v. to dress.
CALLIPERINGcallipering v. Present participle of calliper.
CALLIPER v. to measure with callipers.
GALLINIPPERgallinipper n. (US) Any large insect that bites, for example, certain large mosquitos.
GALLINIPPER n. a large mosquito capable of inflicting painful bite.
PARALLELINGparalleling v. Present participle of parallel.
paralleling n. A process of making or becoming figuratively parallel.
PARALLELING n. a commercial practice whereby companies buy highly priced goods (e.g. perfume) in markets where prices are relatively low and sell them on in markets where prices are higher.
PARTIALLINGpartialling v. Present participle of partial.
PARTIAL v. as in partial out, to eliminate a factor in statistics.
PLURALISINGpluralising v. Present participle of pluralise.
PLURALISE v. to make plural.
PLURALIZINGpluralizing v. Present participle of pluralize.
PLURALIZE v. to make plural, also PLURALISE.
PRATFALLINGpratfalling v. Present participle of pratfall.
PRATFALL v. to fall on the buttocks, to make a big blunder.
PRATTLINGLYprattlingly adv. (Rare, dated) With prattle, or worthless talk.
PRATTLING adv. PRATTLE, to talk at length about nothing in particular.
PROLONGABLEprolongable adj. Capable of being prolonged, extended, or lengthened.
PROLONGABLE adj. that can be prolonged.
RAPPELLINGSRAPPELLING n. descending by rope.
REPANELLINGrepanelling v. Present participle of repanel.
REPANEL v. to panel again.
SPARKLINGLYsparklingly adv. In a sparkling way.
SPARKLING adv. giving off flashes of light.
SPURGALLINGspurgalling v. Present participle of spurgall.
SPURGALL v. to injure with a spur.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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