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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, G, 2L, 2N and O

ALLOANTIGENalloantigen n. (Genetics) Any antigen, present in only some individuals of a species, that stimulates the production…
ALLOANTIGEN n. an antigen present only in some individuals of a species.
ALLOWANCINGallowancing v. Present participle of allowance.
ALLOWANCE v. to make an allowance to.
BALLOONINGSballoonings n. Plural of ballooning.
BALLOONING n. the act or sport of riding in a balloon.
BANKROLLINGbankrolling v. Present participle of bankroll.
BANKROLL v. to provide with financial support.
CARILLONINGcarilloning v. Present participle of carillon.
CARILLON v. (French) to play a set of bells.
CONGENIALLYcongenially adv. In a congenial manner.
CONGENIAL adv. pleasant, friendly or agreeable.
ENWALLOWINGENWALLOW v. (Spenser) to roll about in a wallowing way.
JOURNALLINGjournalling n. Alternative form of journaling.
JOURNALLING n. the act of recording in a journal, also JOURNALING.
LANDHOLDINGlandholding n. A piece of property (land) that is held (owned).
landholding n. The state or practice of owning land.
LANDHOLDING n. the state or fact of holding or owning land.
MONOLINGUALmonolingual adj. Knowing or using a single language; written or spoken in a single language.
monolingual n. A person who knows or uses only a single language; a monoglot.
MONOLINGUAL n. one who speaks one language only.
NONALLERGICnonallergic adj. Not allergic.
nonallergic adj. That does not cause an allergic response; nonallergenic.
NONALLERGIC adj. not allergic.
POLLENATINGpollenating v. Present participle of pollenate.
POLLENATE v. to fertilise with pollen, also POLLINATE.
POLLINATINGpollinating v. Present participle of pollinate.
pollinating adj. That pollinates, or leads to pollination.
POLLINATE v. to fertilise with pollen, also POLLENATE.
SNOWBALLINGsnowballing v. Present participle of snowball.
SNOWBALL v. to increase at a rapid rate.
UNHALLOWINGunhallowing v. Present participle of unhallow.
UNHALLOW v. to profane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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