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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, 2G, 2O, R and T

AGROLOGISTSagrologists n. Plural of agrologist.
AGROLOGIST n. a student of agrology, the study of agricultural soils.
AGROSTOLOGYagrostology n. The scientific study of grasses.
AGROSTOLOGY n. the science or study of grasses.
CONGREGATORcongregator n. A person who congregates or assembles.
CONGREGATOR n. one who congregates.
FOOTDRAGGERfootdragger n. One who deliberately delays obligatory action.
foot-dragger n. Alternative form of footdragger.
FOOTDRAGGER n. one who engages in footdragging.
GARBOLOGISTgarbologist n. One who examines refuse using archaeological techniques.
garbologist n. (Australia, humorous) A garbage collector.
GARBOLOGIST n. a person who studies a society's waste materials.
GASTROLOGERgastrologer n. One who enjoys fine food; a gourmet.
GASTROLOGER n. a connoisseur of good eating and drinking, also GASTRONOME, GASTRONOMER.
MAGGOTORIUMmaggotorium n. A place where maggots are stored.
MAGGOTORIUM n. a place where maggots are bred for sale to fishers.
PROROGATINGprorogating v. Present participle of prorogate.
PROROGATE v. to end a session (of Parliament); to postpone (a meeting), also PROROGUE.
TOBOGGANERStobogganers n. Plural of tobogganer.
TOBOGGANER n. one who uses a toboggan, also TOBOGGANIST.
ZOOGRAFTINGzoografting n. Zooplasty.
ZOOGRAFTING n. the grafting of tissue from an animal to a human.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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