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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, F, I, P, R, S and T

AFTERPIECESafterpieces n. Plural of afterpiece.
AFTERPIECE n. a minor piece after a play.
FACTORSHIPSfactorships n. Plural of factorship.
FACTORSHIP n. the business of a factor.
FATHERSHIPSfatherships n. Plural of fathership.
FATHERSHIP n. the state of being a father.
FISSIPARITYfissiparity n. (Biology) The quality of being fissiparous.
FISSIPARITY n. the state of being fissiparous.
FLATPICKERSSorry, definition not available.
FOETIPAROUSfoetiparous adj. Alternative form of fetiparous.
FOETIPAROUS adj. of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring, also FETIPAROUS.
FORTEPIANOSfortepianos n. Plural of fortepiano.
FORTEPIANO n. the eighteenth century name for an early type of piano; a fortepiano note.
GRAPEFRUITSgrapefruits n. Plural of grapefruit.
GRAPEFRUIT n. a large, round, yellow-skinned citrus fruit, so called because it grows in large bunches like grapes.
PATHFINDERSpathfinders n. Plural of pathfinder.
PATHFINDER n. one that discovers a way.
PIANOFORTESpianofortes n. Plural of pianoforte.
piano-fortes n. Plural of piano-forte.
PIANOFORTE n. (Italian) a large keyboard musical instrument.
PINFEATHERSpinfeathers n. Plural of pinfeather.
PINFEATHER n. a feather not fully developed; esp. a rudimentary feather just emerging through the skin.
PREFASCISTSprefascists n. Plural of prefascist.
PRESANCTIFYPRESANCTIFY v. to sanctify in advance.
PRIESTCRAFTpriestcraft n. The craft of performing the duties of a priest.
priestcraft n. (Derogatory) Priestly policy directed towards worldly ends.
PRIESTCRAFT n. priestly policy directed to worldly ends.
PROFANITIESprofanities n. Plural of profanity.
PROFANITY n. the state of being profane; a swearword.
PROFLIGATESprofligates n. Plural of profligate.
PROFLIGATE n. one who is profligate.
SEPTIFRAGALseptifragal adj. (Botany) Breaking from the partitions; said of a method of dehiscence in which the valves of a pod break…
SEPTIFRAGAL adj. breaking away of certain parts of a plant from its dividing walls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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