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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, F, I, N, T and 2U

FLUCTUATINGfluctuating v. Present participle of fluctuate.
fluctuating adj. Subject to irregular changes in quantity or quality.
fluctuating n. A fluctuation.
FLUCTUATIONfluctuation n. A motion like that of waves; a moving in this and that direction.
fluctuation n. A wavering; unsteadiness.
fluctuation n. In medicine, a wave-like motion or undulation of a fluid in a natural or abnormal cavity (e.g. pus in…
FRUCTUATINGfructuating v. Present participle of fructuate.
FRUCTUATE v. to come to fruit, to fructify.
FRUCTUATIONfructuation n. (Archaic) produce; fruit.
FRUCTUATION n. coming to fruit or bearing of fruit.
FULGURATINGfulgurating v. Present participle of fulgurate.
FULGURATE v. to flash like lightning.
FULGURATIONfulguration n. A flash of lightning.
fulguration n. (Medicine) cauterization with electricity; electrocautery.
fulguration n. (Chemistry, obsolete) The sudden brightening of a fused globule of gold or silver, when the last film…
FUNAMBULISTfunambulist n. A tightrope walker or a similar performer on a slack rope.
FUNAMBULIST n. a tightrope walker.
LATIFUNDIUMlatifundium n. (Chiefly in the plural) A great landed estate with absentee ownership and labor often in a state of partial servitude.
LATIFUNDIUM n. (Latin) a great landed estate, also LATIFONDO, LATIFUNDIO.
RUMFUSTIANSrumfustians n. Plural of rumfustian.
RUMFUSTIAN n. (archaic) a hot alcoholic drink made from rum and various spices.
SULFURATINGsulfurating v. Present participle of sulfurate.
SULFURATE v. to combine with sulfur, also SULPHURATE.
SULFURATIONsulfuration n. (Chemistry) reaction with sulfur.
SULFURATION n. the process of treating with sulfur, also SULPHURATION.
UNBEAUTIFULunbeautiful adj. Not beautiful; ugly or inelegant.
UNBEAUTIFUL adj. not beautiful.
UNFAVOURITEunfavourite v. Alternative form of unfavorite.
UNFAVOURITE adj. not favourite or favoured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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