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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, F, G, 2N, T and U

ANTIFOULINGantifouling adj. That prevents or counteracts the buildup of barnacles and other deposits on undersea surfaces such as those of boats.
antifouling n. Any substance that prevents or counteracts the buildup of barnacles and other deposits on undersea surfaces…
ANTIFOULING n. an antifouling substance applied in paint form to ships' bottoms, etc.
ANTIFUNGALSantifungals n. Plural of antifungal.
ANTIFUNGAL n. a drug designed to prevent fungal infection.
FECUNDATINGfecundating v. Present participle of fecundate.
FECUNDATE v. to make fruitful or prolific.
FLAUNTINGLYflauntingly adv. In a flaunting manner.
FLAUNTING adv. FLAUNT, to exhibit in a showy manner.
FOUNTAININGfountaining v. Present participle of fountain.
FOUNTAIN v. to display water like small waterfalls.
FULMINATINGfulminating v. Present participle of fulminate.
fulminating adj. Explosive.
fulminating adj. (Medicine) Describing any sudden and severe (often fatal) inflammation.
INFATUATINGinfatuating v. Present participle of infatuate.
INFATUATE v. to inspire with foolish or unreasoning passion.
INFURIATINGinfuriating adj. Extremely annoying, frustrating or irritating.
infuriating v. Present participle of infuriate.
INFURIATE v. to make furious.
OUTFLANKINGoutflanking v. Present participle of outflank.
outflanking n. The act of one who outflanks.
out-flanking v. Present participle of out-flank.
QUANTIFYINGquantifying v. Present participle of quantify.
QUANTIFY v. to determine the quantity of.
SULFONATINGsulfonating v. Present participle of sulfonate.
SULFONATE v. to convert into sulphonic acid, also SULPHONATE.
TRANSFUSINGtransfusing v. Present participle of transfuse.
transfusing n. Transfusion.
TRANSFUSE v. to pour out into another vessel; to transfer (e.g. blood) to another's veins.
UNAFFECTINGunaffecting adj. Not affecting.
unaffecting v. Present participle of unaffect.
UNAFFECTING adj. not affecting.
UNFALTERINGunfaltering adj. Without faltering, continuous, steadfast.
UNFALTERING adj. not wavering or weakening.
UNFASTENINGunfastening v. Present participle of unfasten.
UNFASTEN v. to release from a fastening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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