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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, F, G, I, 2L and N

ALKALIFYINGalkalifying v. Present participle of alkalify.
ALKALIFY v. to convert into an alkali, also ALKALISE, ALKALIZE.
BACKFILLINGbackfilling n. The process by which something is backfilled.
backfilling v. Present participle of backfill.
back-filling v. Present participle of back-fill.
FALDERALINGFALDERAL v. to sing meaningless sounds, also FALDEROL, FOLDEROL.
FALTERINGLYfalteringly adv. In a faltering manner; hesitantly, making pauses.
FALTERING adv. hesitant.
FAREWELLINGfarewelling v. Present participle of farewell.
FAREWELL v. to say goodbye.
FINGERSTALLfingerstall n. A protective cover for the finger; a fingercot.
FINGERSTALL n. a covering for protecting a finger.
FIREBALLINGfireballing v. Present participle of fireball.
fireballing adj. (Baseball) Tending to pitch fastballs.
FIREBALLING adj. relating to the delivery of fireballs, fast balls in baseball.
FIREWALLINGfirewalling v. Present participle of firewall.
FIREWALL v. to install software that protects a network against unauthorized users.
FLANNELLINGflannelling v. Present participle of flannel.
FLANNEL v. to cover with a soft fabric.
FLAUNTINGLYflauntingly adv. In a flaunting manner.
FLAUNTING adv. FLAUNT, to exhibit in a showy manner.
FOOTBALLINGfootballing adj. (Attributive) relating to the sport of football.
footballing v. Present participle of football.
FOOTBALLING adj. related to football.
FUSILLADINGfusillading v. Present participle of fusillade.
FUSILLADE v. to discharge firearms simultaneously.
INFLAMINGLYinflamingly adv. In an inflaming manner.
INFLAMING adv. INFLAME, to set on fire.
INFLATINGLYinflatingly adv. In an inflating manner.
INFLATING adv. INFLATE, to expand with air or gas.
LANDFILLINGlandfilling v. Present participle of landfill.
LANDFILLING n. the process of filling in land by the disposal of rubbish.
LEAFLETTINGleafletting v. Present participle of leaflet.
LEAFLET v. to distribute printed sheets of paper.
OVERFALLINGoverfalling v. Present participle of overfall.
OVERFALL v. to fall over.
PRATFALLINGpratfalling v. Present participle of pratfall.
PRATFALL v. to fall on the buttocks, to make a big blunder.
UNFAILINGLYunfailingly adv. Without fail; reliably; always.
UNFAILING adv. not failing, reliable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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