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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 7 eleven-letter words containing A, E, 3O, P and R

AEOLOTROPICaeolotropic adj. (Physics) Pertaining to aeolotropy; of a body or substance, having physical properties (e.g., electric…
æolotropic adj. Obsolete spelling of aeolotropic.
AEOLOTROPIC adj. having different physical properties in different positions or directions, anisotropic.
COOPERATIONcooperation n. (Usually uncountable) The act of cooperating.
cooperation n. Active help from a person, organization, etc., such as an orderly sharing of space or resources.
cooperation n. Association for mutual benefit, such as for purposes of production or purchase.
COOPERATORScooperators n. Plural of cooperator.
coöperators n. Plural of coöperator.
co-operators n. Plural of co-operator.
EROTOPHOBIAerotophobia n. Fear of sex; negative attitudes towards sex.
EROTOPHOBIA n. fear of sex.
OMMATOPHOREommatophore n. An eyestalk.
OMMATOPHORE n. an eyestalk, as in snails.
ORTHOPNOEASorthopnoeas n. Plural of orthopnoea.
ORTHOPNOEA n. the ability to breathe in an upright position only.
PROSOPOPEIAprosopopeia n. Alternative form of prosopopoeia.
PROSOPOPEIA n. a figure of speech in which an imaginary or absent person is represented as speaking or acting, also PROSOPOPOEIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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