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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, E, N, O, P, T and V

ANTIPOVERTYantipoverty adj. (Politics) that serves to alleviate poverty.
ANTIPOVERTY adj. opposed to poverty.
DEPRAVATIONdepravation n. Detraction; depreciation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
depravation n. The act of depraving, or making anything bad; the act of corrupting.
depravation n. The state of being depraved or degenerated; degeneracy; depravity.
DEPRIVATIONdeprivation n. (Countable) The act of depriving, dispossessing, or bereaving; the act of deposing or divesting of some dignity.
deprivation n. (Uncountable) The state of being deprived.
deprivation n. (Countable) The taking away from a clergyman of his benefice, or other spiritual promotion or dignity.
EVAPORATINGevaporating v. Present participle of evaporate.
EVAPORATE v. to change into vapour.
EVAPORATIONevaporation n. The process of a liquid converting to the gaseous state.
evaporation n. The process in which all or a portion of liquid (in a container) is turned into vapour, in order to…
evaporation n. (Archaic) That which is evaporated; vapor.
INOPERATIVEinoperative adj. Not working or functioning; either idle or broken.
inoperative adj. (Law) No longer legally binding.
INOPERATIVE adj. not operative.
NONADAPTIVEnonadaptive adj. Not adaptive; unable to adapt.
NONADAPTIVE adj. not adaptive.
OVERPAINTEDoverpainted v. Simple past tense and past participle of overpaint.
OVERPAINT v. to color or describe too strongly.
OVERPARTINGoverparting v. Present participle of overpart.
OVERPART v. to give an actor too difficult a part.
OVERPAYMENToverpayment n. Payment exceeding the amount actually due.
OVERPAYMENT n. an excessive payment.
OVERPLANTEDoverplanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of overplant.
OVERPLANT v. to plant to excess.
PERSONATIVEpersonative adj. Portraying a person or persons.
PERSONATIVE adj. dramatic; presenting or presented through persons.
SYNCOPATIVEsyncopative adj. Of or relating to syncopation.
SYNCOPATIVE adj. relating to syncopation.
UNOPERATIVEunoperative adj. Obsolete form of inoperative.
UNOPERATIVE adj. not operative.
VAPORESCENTvaporescent adj. (Rare) Becoming vaporous; producing or emitting vapor.
VAPORESCENT adj. forming vapor.
VIDEOTAPINGvideotaping v. Present participle of videotape.
videotaping n. A recording onto videotape.
VIDEOTAPE v. to record on videotape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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