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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, E, L, O, P, U and Y

AUTOCEPHALYautocephaly n. (Christianity) The condition where a church’s leaders have severed ties to a larger body and thus no…
AUTOCEPHALY n. self-government.
COUNTERPLAYcounterplay n. A game move made as a response.
counterplay n. (Chess) A counterattack in a different part of the board.
counterplay n. (Video games, sociology) A subversive style of gameplay in which a player attempts to overturn the usual…
EUCALYPTOLEeucalyptole n. Alternative form of eucalyptol.
EUCALYPTOLE n. a volatile, terpene-like oil extracted from the eucalyptus, also EUCALYPTOL.
EUCALYPTOLSeucalyptols n. Plural of eucalyptol.
EUCALYPTOL n. a volatile, terpene-like oil extracted from the eucalyptus, also EUCALYPTOLE.
EXCULPATORYexculpatory adj. Tending to excuse or clear of wrongdoing.
EXCULPATORY adj. tending or serving to clear from alleged fault or guilt.
PELYCOSAURSpelycosaurs n. Plural of pelycosaur.
PELYCOSAUR n. a kind of dinosaur.
PLEURODYNIApleurodynia n. (Medicine) A painful condition of the side of the body, simulating pleurisy, usually due to rheumatism.
PLEURODYNIA n. pain in the muscles of the chest or side.
POLYNUCLEARpolynuclear adj. (Biology) having multiple nuclei.
polynuclear adj. (Chemistry) polycyclic.
POLYNUCLEAR adj. chemically polycyclic esp. with respect to the benzene ring.
POLYURETHANPOLYURETHAN n. any of various polymers used esp. in flexible and rigid foams, elastomers, and resins, also POLYURETHANE.
PTYALAGOGUEptyalagogue n. Any sialogogue.
PTYALAGOGUE n. a substance promoting salivation.
SCEUOPHYLAXsceuophylax n. A sacristan or church treasurer.
SCEUOPHYLAX n. a sacristan.
SPECULATORYspeculatory adj. Intended or adapted for viewing or espying; having oversight.
speculatory adj. Exercising speculation; speculative.
SPECULATORY adj. exercising speculation; adapted for spying or viewing.
SUPERALLOYSsuperalloys n. Plural of superalloy.
SUPERALLOY n. an alloy that has good stability at 600 degrees to 1000 degrees C.
SYMPETALOUSsympetalous adj. (Botany) gamopetalous.
SYMPETALOUS adj. having the petals united.
SYNSEPALOUSsynsepalous adj. (Botany) gamosepalous.
SYNSEPALOUS adj. another word for gamosepalous, with sepals partly united.
ZYGOPLEURALzygopleural adj. (Biology) Having bilateral symmetry.
ZYGOPLEURAL adj. bilaterally symmetrical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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