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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, E, L, N, P, T and X

EXCEPTIONALexceptional adj. Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare.
exceptional adj. Better than the average; superior due to exception or rarity.
exceptional adj. (Geometry) Corresponding to something of lower dimension under a birational correspondence.
EXCULPATINGexculpating v. Present participle of exculpate.
EXCULPATE v. to free from blame.
EXCULPATIONexculpation n. The act of exculpating from alleged fault or crime.
exculpation n. That which exculpates; an excuse.
EXCULPATION n. the act of exculpating.
EXPECTANTLYexpectantly adv. In an expectant manner.
EXPECTANT adv. in a state of expectancy.
EXPLANATIONexplanation n. The act or process of explaining.
explanation n. Something that explains, makes understandable.
explanation n. A resolution of disputed points pursuant to discussion; a mutual clarification of disputed points; reconciliation.
EXPLANATIVEexplanative adj. That serves to explain; explanatory.
EXPLANATIVE adj. serving to explain, also EXPLANATORY.
EXPLANATORYexplanatory adj. Intended to serve as an explanation.
explanatory adj. (Of a person) Disposed to explain.
EXPLANATORY adj. serving to explain, also EXPLANATIVE.
EXPLICATINGexplicating v. Present participle of explicate.
EXPLICATE v. to explain.
EXPLICATIONexplication n. The act of opening or unfolding.
explication n. (Dated or formal) The act of explaining; an explanation.
explication n. The sense given by an expositor.
EXPLORATIONexploration n. The process of exploring.
exploration n. The process of penetrating, or ranging over for purposes of (especially geographical) discovery.
exploration n. The (pre-)mining process of finding and determining commercially viable ore deposits (after prospecting)…
EXPONENTIALexponential adj. Relating to an exponent.
exponential adj. (Mathematics) Expressed in terms of a power of e.
exponential adj. (Mathematics) Characterised by a rate of change that is proportional to the value of the varying quantity…
PHYTOALEXINphytoalexin n. (Medicine) any of several classes of antibiotics produced by plants in response to microorganisms.
PHYTOALEXIN n. any substance produced by a plant as a defence against disease.
PIXELATIONSpixelations n. Plural of pixelation.
PIXELATION n. a video technique in which an image is blurred by being overlaid with a grid of squares, usually to disguise the identity of a person.
PIXELLATINGpixellating v. Present participle of pixellate.
PIXELLATE v. to divide an image into pixels for display in a digital format, also PIXELATE, PIXILATE, PIXILLATE.
PIXELLATIONpixellation n. Alternative form of pixelation.
PIXELLATION n. the act of dividing an image into pixels for display in a digital format, also PIXILATION, PIXILLATION.
POSTEXILIANpostexilian adj. After an exile, especially the Biblical exile of the Jews.
POSTEXILIAN adj. existing or occurring after exile, esp. after the Babylonian captivity of the Jews, also POSTEXILIC.
XENOPLASTICxenoplastic adj. Of or pertaining to xenoplasty.
XENOPLASTIC adj. involving or occurring between distantly related individuals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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