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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, E, L, M, 2R and Y

CALORIMETRYcalorimetry n. (Physics) The science of measuring the heat absorbed or evolved during the course of a chemical reaction…
calorimetry n. A wide headband that covers the ears, for wearing on cold days.
CALORIMETRY n. the measurement of heat.
ERYTHRISMALerythrismal adj. Having an abnormally prevalent red pigmentation, having the condition erythrism.
ERYTHRISMAL adj. suffering from erythrism, also ERYTHRISTIC.
EURYTHERMALeurythermal adj. (Biology, of an organism) Able to tolerate a wide range of temperature.
EURYTHERMAL adj. tolerating a wide range of temperature, also EURYTHERMIC, EURYTHERMOUS.
IRREMOVABLYirremovably adv. So as not to be removable.
IRREMOVABLE adv. incapable of being removed or displaced.
LAMMERGEYERlammergeyer n. Alternative form of lammergeier.
LAMMERGEYER n. (German) a large European bird of prey, aka bearded vulture, also LAMMERGEIER.
LAMPROPHYRElamprophyre n. (Geology) An uncommon, small-volume ultrapotassic igneous rock primarily occurring as dikes, lopoliths…
LAMPROPHYRE n. a compact intrusive rock with phenocrysts of black mica, hornblende, etc.
LITERARYISMliteraryism n. Literary style or expression.
LITERARYISM n. a bookish expression.
LUMBERYARDSlumberyards n. Plural of lumberyard.
lumber␣yards n. Plural of lumber yard.
LUMBERYARD n. a yard where a stock of lumber is kept for sale.
MARMOREALLYmarmoreally adv. In a marmoreal fashion; like marble.
MARMOREAL adv. of or like marble, also MARMOREAN.
MERCENARILYmercenarily adv. In a mercenary way, for selfish reason of profit or gain.
MERCENARY adv. hired for money; motivated by the hope of reward.
MERCURIALLYmercurially adv. In a mercurial manner.
MERCURIAL adv. of a volatile temperament.
POLARIMETRYpolarimetry n. (Physics) The measurement of the polarization of electromagnetic radiation.
polarimetry n. (Chemistry) Analysis using a polarimeter.
POLARIMETRY n. measurement by polarimeter.
PREAMBULARYpreambulary adj. Of or pertaining to a preamble; introductory.
PREAMBULARY adj. of or like a preamble, also PREAMBULATORY.
PRELIMINARYpreliminary adj. In preparation for the main matter; initial, introductory, preparatory.
preliminary n. A preparation for a main matter; an introduction.
preliminary n. Any of a series of sports events that determine the finalists.
PREMATURELYprematurely adv. In a premature manner; too soon or too early.
PREMATURE adv. ahead of due time.
SALMONBERRYsalmonberry n. A bush, Rubus spectabilis, found on the Pacific coast of North America.
salmonberry n. The fruit from this bush, similar in appearance and texture to the blackberry and raspberry.
SALMONBERRY n. a salmon-coloured North American raspberry.
TEMPORARILYtemporarily adv. For a limited period of time; not permanently.
TEMPORARY adv. not permanent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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