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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, E, L, M, 2N and P

AMINOPHENOLaminophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of three isomeric amino derivatives of phenol; hydroxyaniline.
aminophenol n. (Organic chemistry) Any amino derivative of a phenol.
AMINOPHENOL n. any of three isomeric forms that are white soluble crystalline solids, used as a dye and as a photograph developer.
COMPONENTALcomponental adj. Having or relating to components.
COMPONENTAL adj. relating to a component, also COMPONENTIAL.
CONTEMPLANTcontemplant adj. (Archaic) Given to contemplation; meditative.
contemplant n. (Archaic) One who contemplates.
CONTEMPLANT n. one who contemplates.
EMPANELLINGempanelling v. Present participle of empanel.
EMPANEL v. to select a jury from a list, also IMPANEL, IMPANNEL.
EMPANELMENTempanelment n. Alternative form of impanelment.
EMPANELMENT n. the act of empanelling.
IMPANELLINGimpanelling v. Present participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
IMPANELMENTimpanelment n. The act or process of impaneling, or the state of being impaneled.
IMPANELMENT n. the act of impanelling.
IMPANNELLEDimpannelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of impannel.
IMPANNEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANEL.
MANSPLAINEDmansplained v. Simple past tense and past participle of mansplain.
MANSPLAIN v. (of a man) to explain (something) to a woman in a patronizing or condescending way.
MANSPLAINERmansplainer n. (Informal) One (especially a man) who mansplains.
NONTEMPORALnontemporal adj. Not temporal.
NONTEMPORAL adj. not temporal.
PERMANENTLYpermanently adv. In a permanent manner; lastingly.
permanently adv. Forever.
PERMANENT adv. remaining, or intended to remain, indefinitely.
PHENYLAMINEphenylamine n. (Organic chemistry) Alternative name for aniline (C6H5NH2).
PHENYLAMINE n. another name for aniline.
PLANTSWOMENplantswomen n. Plural of plantswoman.
PLANTSWOMAN n. a female person who has great knowledge of and experience in gardening.
PLASMINOGENplasminogen n. (Biochemistry) The inactive precursor to plasmin; profibrinolysin.
PLASMINOGEN n. the precursor of plasmin that is found in blood plasma and serum.
PRAENOMINALpraenominal adj. Relating to a praenomen.
prænominal adj. Obsolete form of praenominal.
PRAENOMINAL adj. of or relating to a praenomen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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