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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing A, E, I, N, R, U and X

EXPURGATINGexpurgating v. Present participle of expurgate.
EXPURGATE v. to purify or revise; to censor.
EXPURGATIONexpurgation n. The act of expurgating, purging, or cleansing; purification from anything noxious, offensive, sinful, or erroneous.
EXPURGATION n. the act of expurgating.
EXUBERATINGexuberating v. Present participle of exuberate.
EXUBERATE v. to be exuberant.
EXURBANITESexurbanites n. Plural of exurbanite.
EXURBANITE n. a resident of an exurb, a residential area outside the suburbs of a town.
FRICANDEAUXfricandeaux n. Plural of fricandeau.
FRICANDEAU n. (French) a thick slice of veal or similar meat, also FRICANDO.
HETEROAUXINheteroauxin n. A growth-promoting hormone, 3-indoleacetic acid, occurring in some plants.
HETEROAUXIN n. a natural plant hormone, used esp. for stimulating growth and root formation in plant cutting.
INTERSEXUALintersexual adj. (Of a competition, etc.) Between the sexes.
intersexual adj. (Biology) Having both male and female characteristics, or characteristics intermediate between the sexes.
intersexual n. An intersex person.
INTRASEXUALintrasexual adj. Within a group of individuals of the same sex.
INTRASEXUAL adj. within or between members of the same sex.
LUXURIANCESluxuriances n. Plural of luxuriance.
LUXURIANCE n. the state of being luxuriant, also LUXURIANCY.
OVERANXIOUSoveranxious adj. Excessively anxious or nervous.
OVERANXIOUS adj. excessively anxious.
UNDERTAXINGundertaxing v. Present participle of undertax.
UNDERTAX v. to tax less than the usual amount.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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