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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, E, I, 2L and 2P

APOPHYLLITEapophyllite n. (Mineralogy) Any of several forms of a pale pink or green mineral being a mixed fluoride and silicate…
APOPHYLLITE n. a mineral, hydrated calcium potassium silicate, that exfoliates on heating.
APPARELLINGapparelling v. Present participle of apparel.
apparelling n. Clothing.
APPAREL v. to dress.
APPEALINGLYappealingly adv. In an appealing manner.
APPELLATIONappellation n. (Formal or dated) A name or title by which someone is addressed or identified; a designation.
appellation n. A geographical indication for wine that describes its geographic origin.
APPELLATION n. a name or title.
APPELLATIVEappellative adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to an appellative noun or common noun.
appellative adj. Of or pertaining to ascribing names.
appellative n. A common noun.
APPULSIVELYappulsively adv. By appulsion.
APPULSIVE adv. relating to an appulse, the close approach of a planet or asteroid to a star without the occurrence of an eclipse.
CAPPELLETTIcappelletti n. (Cooking) A circular form of ravioli.
CAPPELLETTI n. (Italian) small hat-shaped pasta pieces, filled with meat or cheese.
EPILEPTICALepileptical adj. Alternative spelling of epileptic.
EPILEPTICAL adj. suffering from epilepsy, also EPILEPTIC.
EPIPLASTRALepiplastral adj. Relating to an epiplastron.
EPIPLASTRAL adj. relating to an epiplastron, either of the two anterior lateral plates in the plastron of a turtle.
EPISCOPALLYepiscopally adv. By episcopal authority.
EPISCOPAL adv. governed by bishops; as, an episcopal church.
GALLINIPPERgallinipper n. (US) Any large insect that bites, for example, certain large mosquitos.
GALLINIPPER n. a large mosquito capable of inflicting painful bite.
LEPTOSPIRALleptospiral adj. Relating to bacteria of the genus Leptospira, or to leptospirosis.
LEPTOSPIRAL adj. of or like a leptospire.
PAPILLULATEpapillulate adj. (Zoology) Having a minute papilla in the centre of a larger elevation or depression.
PAPILLULATE adj. finely papillose.
PROLEPTICALproleptical adj. Anticipating the usual time; applied to a periodical disease whose paroxysms return at an earlier hour…
proleptical adj. Previous; antecedent.
proleptical adj. Of or pertaining to prolepsis; anticipative.
RAPPELLINGSRAPPELLING n. descending by rope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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