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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, E, G, L, M, P and R

ASPERGILLUMaspergillum n. (Christianity) An implement, in the form of a brush, or of a rod with a perforated container, for sprinkling…
Aspergillum prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Penicillidae – watering-pot shell, certain boring lamellibranch…
ASPERGILLUM n. a holy water sprinkler, also ASPERGILL.
GRAPLEMENTSGRAPLEMENT n. (Spenser) a close fight.
IMPREGNABLEimpregnable adj. (Military) Of a fortress or other fortified place: able to withstand all attacks; impenetrable, inconquerable…
impregnable adj. (Figuratively) Too strong to be defeated or overcome; invincible.
impregnable adj. Capable of being impregnated; impregnatable.
IMPREGNABLYimpregnably adv. In an impregnable manner; so as to defy attack.
IMPREGNABLE adv. that cannot be taken by attack.
LAMPLIGHTERlamplighter n. (Historical) A person employed to light streetlights at dusk and snuff them at dawn.
lamplighter n. (Historical) Any device or contrivance for lighting lamps, such as a length of paper to be set alight at one end.
lamplighter n. A kind of tall bicycle.
MYELOGRAPHYmyelography n. (Medicine) A type of radiographic examination that uses a contrast medium to detect pathology of the…
MYELOGRAPHY n. the taking of myelograms.
PELARGONIUMpelargonium n. Any of various flowering plants of the genus Pelargonium, commonly called geraniums.
Pelargonium n. An extract of the rose geranium, Pelargonium sidoides, used as an alternative medicine.
Pelargonium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Geraniaceae – the geraniums.
PERMILLAGESpermillages n. Plural of permillage.
PERMILLAGE n. reckoning by the thousand.
PHLEBOGRAMSphlebograms n. Plural of phlebogram.
PHLEBOGRAM n. a tracing (with the sphygmograph) of the movements of a vein, or of the venous pulse.
PILGRIMAGEDpilgrimaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pilgrimage.
PILGRIMAGE v. to go on pilgrimage.
PILGRIMAGERpilgrimager n. A person who goes on a pilgrimage; a pilgrim.
PILGRIMAGER n. one who goes on a pilgrimage, also PILGRIM, PILGRIMER.
PILGRIMAGESpilgrimages n. Plural of pilgrimage.
PILGRIMAGE v. to go on pilgrimage.
PRIMIGENIALprimigenial adj. First of all; firstborn; primary; original.
PRIMIGENIAL adj. first or earliest formed or produced.
PRIMOGENIALprimogenial adj. First born, made, or generated; original; primary; elemental.
PRIMOGENIAL adj. first to be formed; original.
PROGRAMABLEprogramable adj. Alternative form of programmable.
PROGRAMABLE adj. that can be programmed, also PROGRAMMABLE.
PROLEGOMENAprolegomena n. Plural of prolegomenon.
PROLEGOMENON n. prefatory remarks; specifically, a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce and interpret an extended work.
PROMULGATEDpromulgated v. Simple past tense and past participle of promulgate.
PROMULGATE v. to make known, disseminate, also PROMULGE.
PROMULGATESpromulgates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of promulgate.
PROMULGATE v. to make known, disseminate, also PROMULGE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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