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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, E, G, 2L, M and N

BEMEDALLINGbemedalling v. Present participle of bemedal.
BEMEDAL v. (archaic) to decorate with medals.
CARAMELLINGcaramelling v. Present participle of caramel.
CARAMEL v. to coat with caramel.
CAROMELLINGCAROMEL v. to coat with caromel.
EMOLLIATINGemolliating v. Present participle of emolliate.
EMOLLIATE v. to soften; to render effeminate.
EMPANELLINGempanelling v. Present participle of empanel.
EMPANEL v. to select a jury from a list, also IMPANEL, IMPANNEL.
ENAMELLINGSenamellings n. Plural of enamelling.
ENAMELLING n. the act of coating with enamel.
GENTLEMANLYgentlemanly adj. Of, being, pertaining to, or resembling a gentleman or gentlemen.
gentlemanly adv. In the manner or with the behavior of a gentleman; with social grace, politely.
GENTLEMANLY adj. like a gentleman.
IMPANELLINGimpanelling v. Present participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
LAMENTINGLYlamentingly adv. In an lamenting manner.
LAMENTING adv. expressing sorrow or regret.
METALLIDINGMETALLIDING n. a high-temperature electrolytic technique for creating metal alloys on the surface of metals.
METALLISINGmetallising v. Present participle of metallise.
METALLISE v. to make or treat with metal, also METALISE, METALIZE, METALLIZE.
METALLIZINGmetallizing v. Present participle of metallize.
METALLIZE v. to make or treat with metal, also METALISE, METALIZE, METALLISE.
METALLOGENYmetallogeny n. (Geology) The branch of geology concerned with the study of the formation of mineral deposits.
METALLOGENY n. the study of the origin and distribution of metal deposits.
MISALLEGINGmisalleging v. Present participle of misallege.
MISALLEGE v. (obsolete) to state erroneously.
MISLABELINGmislabeling v. Present participle of mislabel.
mislabeling n. An incorrect labeling.
MISLABEL v. to label incorrectly or falsely.
SEGMENTALLYsegmentally adv. In a segmental way.
SEGMENTAL adv. relating to, or being, a segment.
TRAMMELLINGtrammelling v. (Britain) present participle of trammel.
trammelling n. A hindrance or impediment.
TRAMMEL v. to hinder, also TRAMEL, TRAMELL.
UMBRELLAINGumbrellaing v. Present participle of umbrella.
UMBRELLA v. to provide with a portable shelter against rain or sun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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