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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, E, G, 2I and 2M

IDEOGRAMMICideogrammic adj. Being, or pertaining to, an ideogram.
IDEOGRAMMIC adj. of or like an ideogram, also IDEOGRAMIC, IDEOGRAMMATIC.
IMMARGINATEimmarginate adj. (Botany) Not having a distinctive margin or border.
IMMARGINATE adj. without a distinct margin.
IMMITIGABLEimmitigable adj. That cannot be mitigated.
IMMITIGABLE adj. that cannot be mitigated.
LEMMATISINGlemmatising v. Present participle of lemmatise.
LEMMATISE v. to organise (words in a text) so that inflected and variant forms are grouped under the appropriate lemma, also LEMMATIZE.
LEMMATIZINGlemmatizing v. Present participle of lemmatize.
LEMMATIZE v. to organise (words in a text) so that inflected and variant forms are grouped under the appropriate lemma, also LEMMATISE.
MAGISTERIUMmagisterium n. The teaching authority or office of the Roman Catholic Church.
magisterium n. An authoritative statement.
magisterium n. (Alchemy) The philosopher’s stone.
MAILMERGINGmailmerging v. Present participle of mailmerge.
mail-merging v. Present participle of mail-merge.
mail␣merging v. Present participle of mail merge.
MARMELISINGmarmelising v. Present participle of marmelise.
MARMELISE v. (slang) to thrash, defeat heavily, also MARMALISE, MARMALIZE, MARMELIZE.
MARMELIZINGmarmelizing v. Present participle of marmelize.
MARMELIZE v. (slang) to thrash, defeat heavily, also MARMALISE, MARMALIZE, MARMELISE.
MEGAVITAMINmegavitamin adj. Involving megadoses of vitamins.
MEGAVITAMIN n. relating to or consisting of very large doses of vitamins.
MENINGIOMASmeningiomas n. Plural of meningioma.
MENINGIOMA n. a tumour of the meninges of the brain.
MICROIMAGESmicroimages n. Plural of microimage.
MICROIMAGE n. a very small image.
MILLIGRAMMEmilligramme n. (UK) Dated spelling of milligram.
MILLIGRAMME n. a thousandth of a gram, also MILLIGRAM.
MISMARRIAGEmismarriage n. Bad or unsuitable marriage.
MISMARRIAGE n. an unsuitable marriage.
MOVIEMAKINGmoviemaking n. The production of movies.
MOVIEMAKING n. the act of making movies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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