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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, E, G, 3I and R

DIGITIGRADEdigitigrade adj. (Zoology) Of an animal: walking on the toes, putting the weight of the body mainly on the ball of the…
digitigrade adj. (Zoology) Of feet or a manner of walking: of, resembling, or pertaining to that of a digitigrade animal.
digitigrade adj. (Zoology, specifically) Belonging to the Digitigrada of the taxonomic order Carnivora.
DIGNITARIESdignitaries n. Plural of dignitary.
DIGNITARY n. someone in a high position or rank, esp. in the church.
FRAGILITIESfragilities n. Plural of fragility.
FRAGILITY n. the state of being fragile.
GRACILITIESgracilities n. Plural of gracility.
GRACILITY n. slenderness.
GRAVIDITIESgravidities n. Plural of gravidity.
GRAVIDITY n. the state of being gravid; pregnancy.
IMAGINARIESimaginaries n. Plural of imaginary.
IMAGINARY n. an imaginary quantity or expression.
INEBRIATINGinebriating adj. Having intoxicating qualities.
inebriating v. Present participle of inebriate.
INEBRIATE v. to make drunk.
ITINERATINGitinerating v. Present participle of itinerate.
ITINERATE v. to wander without a settled habitation; to travel from place or on a circuit, particularly for the purpose of preaching, lecturing, etc.
LINEARISINGlinearising v. Present participle of linearise.
LINEARISE v. to make linear, also LINEARIZE.
LINEARIZINGlinearizing v. Present participle of linearize.
LINEARIZE v. to make linear, also LINEARISE.
ORIGINATIVEoriginative adj. That originates; creative.
ORIGINATIVE adj. having power to originate or bring into existence.
PRIMIGENIALprimigenial adj. First of all; firstborn; primary; original.
PRIMIGENIAL adj. first or earliest formed or produced.
REIMAGININGreimagining v. Present participle of reimagine.
reimagining n. A remake (of a dramatic work).
REIMAGINE v. to imagine again.
SEIGNIORIALseigniorial adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a seignior.
SEIGNIORIAL adj. related to a seignior, also SEIGNORAL, SEIGNORIAL.
SERIALISINGserialising v. Present participle of serialise.
SERIALISE v. to convert into serial form, also SERIALIZE.
SERIALIZINGserializing v. Present participle of serialize.
SERIALIZE v. to convert into serial form, also SERIALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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