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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, E, G, H, 2I and L

ALCHEMISINGalchemising v. Present participle of alchemise.
ALCHEMISE v. to change by alchemy; to transmute, also ALCHEMIZE.
ALCHEMIZINGalchemizing v. Present participle of alchemize.
ALCHEMIZE v. to change by alchemy; to transmute, also ALCHEMISE.
ALMIGHTIESTALMIGHTY adj. having absolute power over all.
GLOCHIDIATEglochidiate adj. (Botany) Having barbs.
GLOCHIDIATE adj. like a glochidium, the larva of a freshwater mussel that develops as a parasite on fish.
GOLIATHISEDGOLIATHISE v. to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly, also GOLIATHIZE.
GOLIATHISESGOLIATHISE v. to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly, also GOLIATHIZE.
GOLIATHIZEDGOLIATHIZE v. to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly, also GOLIATHISE.
GOLIATHIZESGOLIATHIZE v. to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly, also GOLIATHISE.
HAGIOLOGIEShagiologies n. Plural of hagiology.
HAGIOLOGY n. the literature dealing with the lives and legends of saints.
HEMIPLEGIAShemiplegias n. Plural of hemiplegia.
HEMIPLEGIA n. a palsy that affects one side only of the body.
HIERURGICALhierurgical adj. Relating to hierurgy.
HIERURGICAL adj. relating to hierurgy.
IMPLEACHINGimpleaching v. Present participle of impleach.
IMPLEACH v. to intertwine, also EMPLEACH.
LEXIGRAPHIClexigraphic adj. Of or pertaining to lexigraphy.
LEXIGRAPHIC adj. relating to lexigraphy, the art of the definition of words, also LEXIGRAPHICAL.
LIFEHACKINGlifehacking n. The use of lifehacks.
LIFEHACK v. to live one's life in a way such as to simplify tasks and minimize effort.
NARGHILLIESnarghillies n. Plural of narghilly.
NARGHILLY n. (Persian) a hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe in which smoke is drawn through water by a long tube, also NARGHILE, NARGHILY, NARGILE, NARGILEH, NARGILY, NARGUILEH.
NIGHTINGALEnightingale n. A Eurasian and African songbird, Luscinia megarhynchos, family Muscicapidae, famed for its beautiful…
nightingale n. A kind of flannel scarf with sleeves, formerly worn by invalids when sitting up in bed.
Nightingale prop.n. A surname.
OLIGARCHIESoligarchies n. Plural of oligarchy.
OLIGARCHY n. a government in which a few people control all power.
OVERHAILINGoverhailing v. Present participle of overhail.
OVERHAILE v. (Spenser) to overtake, also OVERHALE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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