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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, E, F, M, N and 2R

AIRCRAFTMENaircraftmen n. Plural of aircraftman.
AIRCRAFTMAN n. a member of the lowest (male) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTSMAN.
FEARMONGERSfearmongers n. Plural of fearmonger.
fearmongers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fearmonger.
fear␣mongers n. Plural of fear monger.
FERRIMAGNETferrimagnet n. (Physics) Any ferrimagnetic material.
FERRIMAGNET n. an iron magnet in which the magnetic moments of neighbouring ions are nonparallel.
FERROMAGNETferromagnet n. (Physics) a ferromagnetic material.
ferromagnet n. A magnet made from such material.
FERROMAGNET n. a type of strong magnet.
FINGERMARKSfingermarks n. Plural of fingermark.
FINGERMARK n. a mark made by the fingers.
FORAMINIFERforaminifer n. Any of a large group of aquatic amoeboid protists of the subphylum Foraminifera, characterized by streaming…
FORAMINIFER n. a unicellular microorganism with a calcareous shell through which pseudopods project, also FORAM.
FRAGMENTARYfragmentary adj. Consisting of fragments; disconnected; scattered.
fragmentary adj. (Geology) Composed of the fragments of other rocks.
FRAGMENTARY adj. consisting of fragments.
FREEMARTINSfreemartins n. Plural of freemartin.
FREEMARTIN n. a sexually deficient female calf born as a bull calf's twin.
FREEMASONRYfreemasonry n. Alternative letter-case form of Freemasonry: the institutions, precepts, and rites of the Freemasons.
freemasonry n. (Figuratively) Fellowship and sympathy among a number of people.
freemasonry n. (Figuratively) Strange customs which resemble those of Freemasons.
INFIRMARERSinfirmarers n. Plural of infirmarer.
INFIRMARER n. an officer in a mediaeval monastery who was in charge of the infirmary, also INFIRMARIAN.
INFIRMARIESinfirmaries n. Plural of infirmary.
INFIRMARY n. a hospital or place for the treatment of the sick.
PERFORMANCEperformance n. The act of performing; carrying into execution or action; execution; achievement; accomplishment; representation…
performance n. That which is performed or accomplished; a thing done or carried through; an achievement; a deed; an…
performance n. (Art) A live show or concert.
PREFRESHMANprefreshman n. (US, sometimes attributive) A student who has not yet become a freshman.
PREFRESHMAN n. one at the stage before becoming a freshman.
REAFFIRMINGreaffirming v. Present participle of reaffirm.
REAFFIRM v. to affirm again.
REFORMATIONreformation n. An improvement (or an intended improvement) in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices…
reformation n. (Law) Change or correction, by a court in equity, to a written instrument to conform to the original…
Reformation prop.n. (Historical) The religious movement initiated in the 16th century against the Roman Catholic Church.
REFRAINMENTrefrainment n. The act of refraining.
REFRAINMENT n. the act of refraining.
RETRANSFORMretransform v. (Transitive) To transform anew or back.
RETRANSFORM v. to transform again.
TRANSFORMEDtransformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of transform.
transformed adj. Given a completely different form or appearance.
TRANSFORM v. to change into another form.
TRANSFORMERtransformer n. Something that transforms, changing its own or another thing’s shape.
transformer n. (Electrical engineering) A static device that transfers electric energy from one circuit to another…
transformer n. (Machine learning) A neural network architecture that relies on self-attention mechanisms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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