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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, E, F, L, 2O and T

BIFOLIOLATEbifoliolate adj. (Botany) Having two leaflets, as some compound leaves do.
BIFOLIOLATE adj. having two leaflets.
COMFORTABLEcomfortable adj. Providing physical comfort and ease; agreeable.
comfortable adj. In a state of comfort and content.
comfortable adj. Confident; relaxed; not worried about someone or something.
DEFLORATIONdefloration n. The act of deflowering.
DEFLORATION n. rupture of the hymen.
DEFOLIATIONdefoliation n. The separation of ripened leaves from a branch or stem; the falling or shedding of the leaves.
DEFOLIATION n. the act of defoliating.
DEFOLIATORSdefoliators n. Plural of defoliator.
DEFOLIATOR n. a defoliating agent.
EXFOLIATIONexfoliation n. The scaling off of a bone, a rock, or a mineral, etc.; the state of being exfoliated.
exfoliation n. The loss of leaves from a plant.
exfoliation n. (Cosmetics) The removal of a layer of dead skin, as in cosmetic preparation.
EXFOLIATORSexfoliators n. Plural of exfoliator.
EXFOLIATOR n. an exfoliating agent.
FLOATHOUSESSorry, definition not available.
FLOODWATERSfloodwaters n. The waters of a flood.
flood␣waters n. Plural of flood water.
FLOODWATER n. the water of a flood.
FOOTBALLENEfootballene n. Buckminsterfullerene.
FOOTBALLENE n. buckminsterfullerene, a ball-shaped molecule containing 60 carbon atoms linked together in hexagons and pentagons to form a closed, near spherical and very stable structure.
FOOTBALLERSfootballers n. Plural of footballer.
FOOTBALLER n. one who plays football, also FOOTBALLIST.
FOOTFAULTEDfootfaulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of footfault.
FOOTFAULT v. to commit a serving fault at tennis.
FOOTLAMBERTfootlambert n. Alternative form of foot-lambert.
foot-lambert n. A unit of luminance equal to 1/π candela per square foot, or 3.426 candela per square meter.
FOOTLAMBERT n. a unit of luminance of a surface emitting one lumen per square foot.
OLFACTORIESolfactories n. Plural of olfactory.
OLFACTORY n. an organ or nerve concerned with the sense of smell.
SPLAYFOOTEDsplayfooted adj. Having a splayfoot or splayfeet.
splay-footed adj. Having a splayfoot or splayfeet.
SPLAYFOOTED adj. having splayed feet.
TANGLEFOOTSTANGLEFOOT n. (US) whisky, intoxicating liquor.
TEASPOONFULteaspoonful n. A unit of capacity equal to the amount a teaspoon can hold which is taken approximately as 5 ml.
TEASPOONFUL n. the contents of a teaspoon.
WATERFLOODSwaterfloods n. Plural of waterflood.
waterfloods v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of waterflood.
WATERFLOOD n. a flood of water; an inundation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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