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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, N, 2O and T

AGONOTHETESagonothetes n. (Historical) An officer who presided over the great public games in Ancient Greece.
agonothetes n. Plural of agonothete.
AGONOTHETES n. a judge or director of public games.
ALDOPENTOSEaldopentose n. (Biochemistry) A pentose that is also an aldose.
ALDOPENTOSE n. a type of sugar.
ALDOSTERONEaldosterone n. (Biochemistry, steroids) A mineralocorticoid hormone, secreted by the adrenal cortex, that regulates…
ALDOSTERONE n. a steroid hormone.
COGENERATORcogenerator n. A combined heating plant and power generator.
COGENERATOR n. a device for cogeneration, the production of electricity from waste heat.
COLEOPTERANcoleopteran n. (Coleopterology) Any insect of the order Coleoptera; includes the beetles, weevils and fireflies.
COLEOPTERAN n. a large order of insects having the front wings modified as hard wing-cases, and comprising the beetles and weevils, also COLEOPTERON.
COTONEASTERcotoneaster n. Any of several erect or creeping shrubs, of the genus Cotoneaster, that have pinkish flowers and red berries.
Cotoneaster prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rosaceae.
COTONEASTER n. any shrub or small tree of the genus Cotoneaster, related to hawthorn.
DEMONOLATERdemonolater n. One who worships demons.
DEMONOLATER n. a worshipper of demons.
EMOTIONABLEemotionable adj. (Rare, of a person or group or of their behavior or faculties) Particularly expressive of or affected by emotion.
EMOTIONABLE adj. capable of rousing emotion.
EXONERATIONexoneration n. An act of disburdening, discharging, or freeing morally from a charge or imputation.
exoneration n. (Uncountable) The state of being disburdened or freed from a charge.
EXONERATION n. the act of exonerating.
EXONERATORSexonerators n. Plural of exonerator.
EXONERATOR n. one who exonerates or frees from obligation.
FOOTBALLENEfootballene n. Buckminsterfullerene.
FOOTBALLENE n. buckminsterfullerene, a ball-shaped molecule containing 60 carbon atoms linked together in hexagons and pentagons to form a closed, near spherical and very stable structure.
GEOBOTANIESGEOBOTANY n. the geographical study of plant distribution, aka phytogeography.
GOVERNORATEgovernorate n. The territory governed by a governor; a province.
GOVERNORATE n. the office of governor.
HOMOGENATEShomogenates n. Plural of homogenate.
HOMOGENATE n. a substance produced by homogenization.
NAPOLEONITENAPOLEONITE n. an orbicular diorite found in Corsica.
NEMATOPHOREnematophore n. A polyp, in some hydrozoans, that contains nematocysts.
NEMATOPHORE n. a mouthless type of hydrozoan polyp.
OUTREASONEDoutreasoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of outreason.
OUTREASON v. to surpass in reasoning.
REOPERATIONreoperation n. (Surgery) A second or subsequent operation.
REOPERATION n. operation again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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