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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, M, N, P and U

ANTEPENDIUMantependium n. (Ecclesiastical) The hangings or screen in front of the altar; an altar cloth; the frontal.
ANTEPENDIUM n. a cloth that hangs over the front of an altar, aka forecloth.
COMEUPPANCEcomeuppance n. Retribution or outcome that is justly deserved.
come-uppance n. Alternative form of comeuppance.
COMEUPPANCE n. a deserved rebuke or penalty.
EMPARLAUNCEEMPARLAUNCE n. (Spenser) parleying, conference, also IMPARLANCE.
EPAULEMENTSepaulements n. Plural of epaulement.
EPAULEMENT n. a side-work of a battery or earthwork to protect it from flanking fire.
NUMBERPLATEnumberplate n. Alternative spelling of number plate.
number␣plate n. (Britain, Australia) Either of a pair of rectangular metal plates bearing an alphanumeric code, fixed…
NUMBERPLATE n. an identifying plate on a car.
PENTAMEROUSpentamerous adj. (Botany) In five parts; made up of five parts.
PENTAMEROUS adj. having five parts or members.
PENULTIMATEpenultimate adj. (UK, in US usually formal, literary or scholarly) Next to last, second to last; immediately preceding…
penultimate adj. (Linguistics) Of or pertaining to a penult.
penultimate adj. (Mathematics, rare) Relating to or denoting an element of a related collection of curves that is arbitrarily…
PERITONAEUMperitonaeum n. Alternative form of peritoneum.
peritonæum n. Obsolete typography of peritonaeum.
PERITONAEUM n. a serous membrane enclosing the viscera in the abdominal and pelvic cavities, also PERITONEUM.
PNEUMATHODEPNEUMATHODE n. a band or pore or aerating tissue, esp. along the stipes of ferns.
PRAEMUNIRESpraemunires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of praemunire.
præmunires n. Plural of præmunire.
Præmunires n. Plural of Præmunire.
PRETERHUMANpreterhuman adj. More than human; superhuman.
preter-human adj. (Rare) Beyond what is human.
PRETERHUMAN adj. more than human.
SUPPEDANEUMsuppedaneum n. A foot-support for a crucified person, projecting from the base of the cross.
suppedaneum n. The platform in front of the altar on which celebrating priest stands.
SUPPEDANEUM n. a support under the foot of a crucified person.
UNATTEMPTEDunattempted adj. Not attempted.
UNATTEMPTED adj. not attempted.
UNDERDAMPERunderdamper n. (Music) A damper located beneath the hammers in a piano.
UNDERDAMPER n. in a type of upright piano, a damper positioned below the hammers.
UNIMPEACHEDunimpeached adj. Not impeached.
UNIMPEACHED adj. not impeached.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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