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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, I, L, O and U

AUTOREPLIESautoreplies n. Plural of autoreply.
auto-replies n. Plural of auto-reply.
AUTOREPLY n. a facility which allows a previously-written response to be sent automatically in reply to incoming email; a message sent by this.
ENUCLEATIONenucleation n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of an intact organ, especially of the eye and of cysts and tumors.
enucleation n. (Microbiology) The removal of the nuclear body of a cell.
enucleation n. Explanation.
EPIPETALOUSepipetalous adj. (Botany) Borne on the petals or corolla.
EPIPETALOUS adj. inserted or growing on a petal or petals.
EPISEPALOUSepisepalous adj. (Botany) Growing on the sepals or adnate to them.
EPISEPALOUS adj. inserted or growing on a sepal or sepals.
EXECUTORIALexecutorial adj. Of or relating to an executive (Branch of government etc.).
executorial adj. Of or relating to an executor.
EXECUTORIAL adj. relating to an executor.
HELIOPAUSESheliopauses n. Plural of heliopause.
HELIOPAUSE n. the upper limit of the earth's atmosphere.
LEUCODERMIALEUCODERMIA n. a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMA, LEUKODERMA.
LEUCOMAINESleucomaines n. Plural of leucomaine.
LEUCOMAINE n. any of a group of toxic amines produced during animal metabolism.
LEUCOPENIASleucopenias n. Plural of leucopenia.
LEUCOPENIA n. a decrease in the number of leucocytes in blood, also LEUKOPENIA.
LEUKOPENIASleukopenias n. Plural of leukopenia.
LEUKOPENIA n. an abnormally low white blood count, also LEUCOPENIA.
OECUMENICALoecumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
œcumenical adj. Alternative spelling of ecumenical.
OECUMENICAL adj. general; universal; in ecclesiastical usage, that which concerns the whole church, also ECUMENIC, ECUMENICAL, OECUMENIC.
REINOCULATEreinoculate v. (Transitive) To inoculate again.
REINOCULATE v. to inoculate again.
SPECIALOGUEspecialogue n. A sales catalogue aimed at a particular demographic.
SPECIALOGUE n. a mail order catalogue aimed at a specific target group of customers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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