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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, G, 2T and V

ANTEVERTINGanteverting v. Present participle of antevert.
ANTEVERT v. to displace a body organ forwards.
EVENTRATINGEVENTRATE v. to open the belly.
EVENTUATINGeventuating v. Present participle of eventuate.
EVENTUATE v. to turn out.
EXTRAVAGATEextravagate v. (Intransitive) To wander beyond the limits.
extravagate v. (Intransitive) To rove.
EXTRAVAGATE v. (archaic) to wander; to exceed reasonable limits.
INTEGRATIVEintegrative adj. (Sciences) Tending toward or promoting integration.
INTEGRATIVE adj. serving to integrate or favoring integration.
INVESTIGATEinvestigate v. (Transitive) To inquire into or study in order to ascertain facts or information.
investigate v. (Transitive) To examine, look into, or scrutinize in order to discover something hidden or secret.
investigate v. (Intransitive) To conduct an inquiry or examination.
REVEGETATEDrevegetated v. Simple past tense and past participle of revegetate.
REVEGETATE v. to vegetate anew.
REVEGETATESrevegetates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of revegetate.
REVEGETATE v. to vegetate anew.
VEGETATINGSVEGETATING n. living like a vegetable.
VEGETATIONSvegetations n. Plural of vegetation (in pathology).
VEGETATION n. the total aggregation of plant communities within an area.
VEGETATIOUSvegetatious adj. Of or pertaining to vegetation.
VEGETATIOUS adj. relating to vegetation.
VINAIGRETTEvinaigrette n. A sauce, made of an acidic liquid such as vinegar or lemon juice; oil; and other ingredients, used as…
vinaigrette n. (Obsolete) A small perforated box for holding aromatic vinegar contained in a sponge, or a smelling…
vinaigrette n. (Obsolete) A small, two-wheeled vehicle, like a Bath chair, to be drawn or pushed by a person.
VINEGARETTEvinegarette n. Archaic form of vinaigrette.
VINEGARETTE n. a bottle for aromatic vinegar or smelling salts, also VINAIGRETTE, VINEGARRETTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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