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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, 3E, G, M and T

AVENGEMENTSavengements n. Plural of avengement.
AVENGEMENT n. (archaic) the inflicting of retributive punishment.
DEMAGNETISEdemagnetise v. (British spelling) To make something non-magnetic by removing its magnetic properties.
demagnetise v. To erase the contents of a magnetic storage device.
DEMAGNETISE v. to remove the magnetic property from, also DEMAGNETIZE.
DEMAGNETIZEdemagnetize v. (Transitive) To make something nonmagnetic by removing its magnetic properties.
demagnetize v. (Transitive) To erase the contents of a magnetic storage device.
DEMAGNETIZE v. to deprive of magnetic properties, also DEMAGNETISE.
DEPHLEGMATEdephlegmate v. (Chemistry, dated) To deprive of superabundant water, as by evaporation or distillation; to clear of…
DEPHLEGMATE v. to distill something, such as alcohol.
DERANGEMENTderangement n. The property of being deranged.
derangement n. An act or instance of deranging.
derangement n. (Mathematics, combinatorics) A permutation of a set such that no element is in its previous position.
DESAGREMENTDESAGREMENT n. (French) something disagreeable.
ENGAGEMENTSengagements n. Plural of engagement.
ENGAGEMENT n. an arrangement to meet or be present at a specified time and place.
ENLARGEMENTenlargement n. An act or instance of making something larger.
enlargement n. (Figuratively) A making more obvious or serious; exacerbation.
enlargement n. An image, particularly a photograph, that has been enlarged.
ENRAGEMENTSenragements n. Plural of enragement.
ENRAGEMENT n. the act of enraging or state of being enraged.
MEGAGAMETESmegagametes n. Plural of megagamete.
MEGAGAMETE n. the larger and usually female gamete of a heterogamous organism, also MACROGAMETE.
MEGAHERTZESmegahertzes n. Plural of megahertz.
MEGAHERTZ n. a measure of frequency, a million hertz.
METAGENESESmetageneses n. Plural of metagenesis.
METAGENESIS n. alternating gametophyte (sexual) and sporophyte (asexual) reproductive cycles.
METAGENESISmetagenesis n. (Biology) The production of sexual and asexual organisms in alternate generations.
METAGENESIS n. alternating gametophyte (sexual) and sporophyte (asexual) reproductive cycles.
METAGENETICmetagenetic adj. Relating to, or produced as a result of metagenesis.
metagenetic adj. Relating to metagenetics.
METAGENETIC adj. relating to metagenesis.
MISCEGENATEmiscegenate v. To mix or blend.
miscegenate v. To mix or blend races in marriage, or in breeding.
MISCEGENATE v. to practise miscegenation.
MUTAGENESESmutageneses n. Plural of mutagenesis.
MUTAGENESIS n. the origin or induction of a mutation.
PRESAGEMENTpresagement n. The act or art of presaging; a foreboding.
presagement n. That which is presaged, or foretold.
PRESAGEMENT n. (obsolete) a presage.
REGALEMENTSregalements n. Plural of regalement.
REGALEMENT n. the act of regaling.
TELEGRAMMEDtelegrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of telegram.
TELEGRAM v. to send a message by telegraph.
TELEMESSAGEtelemessage n. A kind of telegram initially sent out electronically and then printed for delivery to the recipient.
TELEMESSAGE n. any of various messages sent by telephone or a telecommunication system, spec. a message sent by telephone or telex.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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