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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, D, I, P, 2R and T

AGRIPRODUCTagriproduct n. Any product of agriculture.
AGRIPRODUCT n. a commodity for the use of farmers, e.g. fertilizer or animal feed.
CEDARSTRIPSSorry, definition not available.
DEPRECIATORdepreciator n. # (economics) One who depreciates.
DEPRECIATOR n. one who depreciates.
DIPTEROCARPdipterocarp n. Any member of the family Dipterocarpaceae of tropical rainforest trees having two-winged fruits.
DIPTEROCARP n. a kind of Oriental tree, with sepals that serve as wings for the fruit.
MADREPORITEmadreporite n. (Zoology) A calcareous opening in the body of echinoderms which connects the water vascular system to the environment.
madreporite n. (Archaic, paleontology) A fossil stony coral, or a deposit composed of the same.
MADREPORITE n. in echinoderms, a perforated plate serving as opening to the stone canal.
PARATHYROIDparathyroid adj. (Anatomy) Situated near the thyroid gland.
parathyroid adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the parathyroid glands or their extracts.
parathyroid n. A parathyroid gland.
PERDURATIONperduration n. (Archaic) long continuance.
PERDURATION n. lastingness, endurance, also PERDURANCE.
PERSPIRATEDperspirated v. Simple past tense and past participle of perspirate.
PERSPIRATE v. to sweat.
PREDATORILYpredatorily adv. In a predatory manner.
PREDATORY adv. preying on other animals.
PREDICATORSpredicators n. Plural of predicator.
PREDICATOR n. in systemic grammar, the part of a sentence or clause containing the verbal group.
PREDICATORYpredicatory adj. Affirmative; positive.
PREDICATORY adj. pertaining to preaching or a preacher.
PRIVATEEREDprivateered v. Simple past tense and past participle of privateer.
PRIVATEER v. to operate as a pirate.
PROTANDRIESPROTANDRY n. the development of male organs before female to avoid self-fertilization.
PYRITOHEDRApyritohedra n. Plural of pyritohedron.
PYRITOHEDRON n. a pentagonal dodecahedron.
REPATRIATEDrepatriated v. Simple past tense and past participle of repatriate.
REPATRIATE v. to restore to one's own country.
REPUDIATORSrepudiators n. Plural of repudiator.
REPUDIATOR n. one who repudiates.
TRADERSHIPStraderships n. Plural of tradership.
TRADERSHIP n. the occupation of trader.
TREPIDATORYtrepidatory adj. That trepidates, or that causes trepidations.
trepidatory adj. Of an earthquake, having a vertical, up-and-down motion, as opposed to a horizontal, side-to-side motion.
TREPIDATORY adj. causing trepidation, trembling; alarmed agitation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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