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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, D, 2I, S, T and Y

ANTISUBSIDYantisubsidy adj. (Politics) Opposing a subsidy.
ANTISUBSIDY adj. opposed to subsidy.
AUDIOTYPISTaudiotypist n. Alternative form of audio typist.
audio-typist n. A stenographer who uses a tape recorder or similar device as the source of the text to be typed.
audio␣typist n. A person who listens to a sound recording and transcribes it into text by typing.
DEISTICALLYdeistically adv. In a deistic manner.
DEISTICAL adv. relating to deism, also DEISTIC.
DIALYSATIONdialysation n. Alternative form of dialyzation.
DIALYSATION n. the act of dialysing, also DIALYZATION.
DIDACTYLISMdidactylism n. (Anatomy) The condition of having only two fingers on a hand, or only two toes on a foot.
DIDACTYLISM n. having twelve fingers.
DISQUANTITYdisquantity v. (Obsolete) to diminish, lessen.
DISQUANTITY v. (Shakespeare) to reduce in quantity.
DYNAMICISTSdynamicists n. Plural of dynamicist.
DYNAMICIST n. a person who studies dynamics.
DYNASTICISMdynasticism n. A form of government in which the rulers all belong to the same dynastic family.
DYNASTICISM n. a system of government in which the rulers are all drawn from the same family.
GRANDIOSITYgrandiosity n. The state of being grandiose (pompous or pretentious).
GRANDIOSITY n. the state of being grandiose.
ISOANTIBODYisoantibody n. An antibody produced by an individual against isoantigens produced by members of the same species.
ISOANTIBODY n. an antibody that occurs naturally against foreign tissue from an individual of the same species.
MYOCARDITISmyocarditis n. (Pathology, cardiology) Inflammation of the myocardium.
MYOCARDITIS n. inflammation of the myocardium.
PYRAMIDISTSpyramidists n. Plural of pyramidist.
PYRAMIDIST n. someone who studies the Egyptian pyramids.
SEDITIONARYseditionary n. An inciter or promoter of sedition; a seditionist.
seditionary adj. Constituting or relating to sedition.
SEDITIONARY n. one who promotes sedition.
SEMIARIDITYsemiaridity n. The quality of being semiarid.
SEMIARIDITY n. the state of being semiarid.
STAPHYLINIDstaphylinid n. (Zoology) Any of the beetle family Staphylinidae, the rove beetles.
STAPHYLINID n. a kind of beetle aka rove beetle.
STIPENDIARYstipendiary adj. Receiving a stipend.
stipendiary n. One who receives a stipend.
STIPENDIARY n. one who receives a stipend.
SYNDICALISTsyndicalist n. A believer in the principles of syndicalism.
SYNDICALIST n. a believer in syndicalism.
SYNDICATINGsyndicating v. Present participle of syndicate.
SYNDICATE v. to sell (e.g. an article) for simultaneous publication in a number of newspapers or periodicals.
SYNDICATIONsyndication n. The act of syndicating a news feature by publishing it in multiple newspapers etc, simultaneously.
SYNDICATION n. the act of syndicating.
VINEYARDISTvineyardist n. One who cultivates a vineyard.
VINEYARDIST n. one who owns a vineyard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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