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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, D, 3I, P and S

ADIPOSITIESadiposities n. Plural of adiposity.
ADIPOSITY n. the state of being fat.
APHIDICIDESaphidicides n. Plural of aphidicide.
APHIDICIDE n. something that kills aphids, also APHICIDE.
DIAPOSITIVEdiapositive n. (Photography) slide (used with a projector for projecting images).
DIAPOSITIVE n. a transparent photographic positive; a slide.
DISCIPLINALdisciplinal adj. Relating to discipline, i.e. order and/or punishment.
DISCIPLINAL adj. relating to discipline.
DISPARITIESdisparities n. Plural of disparity.
DISPARITY n. inequality.
DISPRAISINGdispraising v. Present participle of dispraise.
DISPRAISE v. to censure.
DISSIPATINGdissipating v. Present participle of dissipate.
DISSIPATE v. to scatter or disperse.
DISSIPATIONdissipation n. The act of dissipating or dispersing; a state of dispersion or separation; dispersion; waste.
dissipation n. A dissolute course of life, in which health, money, etc., are squandered in pursuit of pleasure; profuseness…
dissipation n. A trifle which wastes time or distracts attention.
DISSIPATIVEdissipative adj. That dissipates, or causes dissipation.
DISSIPATIVE adj. relating to dissipation esp. of heat.
IDIOPATHIESidiopathies n. Plural of idiopathy.
IDIOPATHY n. a disease of unknown origin or one having no apparent cause.
IDIOPLASMICidioplasmic adj. Of or pertaining to idioplasma.
IDIOPLASMIC adj. of or like idioplasm, the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics, also IDIOPLASMATIC.
IPRONIAZIDSIPRONIAZID n. a derivative of isoniazid used in the treatment of tuberculosis.
PALLIDITIESpallidities n. Plural of pallidity.
PALLIDITY n. pallidness; paleness.
PAROTIDITISparotiditis n. Parotitis.
PAROTIDITIS n. inflammation of the parotid gland, as in mumps, also PAROTITIS.
PERIDINIANSPERIDINIAN n. a dinoflagellate, a kind of marine protozoan, also PERIDINIUM.
PLACIDITIESplacidities n. Plural of placidity.
PLACIDITY n. the state of being placid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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