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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, D, 3I, N and U

ANTISUICIDEantisuicide adj. Opposing or preventing suicide.
ANTISUICIDE adj. opposed to suicide.
AUDITIONINGauditioning v. Present participle of audition.
AUDITION v. to give a trial performance.
DIMINUTIVALdiminutival adj. Indicating diminution; diminutive.
DIMINUTIVAL adj. relating to or like a diminutive.
INDIVIDUALSindividuals n. Plural of individual.
INDIVIDUAL n. a single human being as contrasted with a social group or institution.
INDIVIDUATEindividuate v. (Transitive) To make, or cause to appear, individual.
individuate adj. Undivided.
INDIVIDUATE v. to give individuality to.
LIQUIDATINGliquidating v. Present participle of liquidate.
LIQUIDATE v. to clear up or off (esp. a debt).
LIQUIDATIONliquidation n. The act of exchange of an asset of lesser liquidity with a more liquid one, such as cash.
liquidation n. The selling of the assets of a business as part of the process of dissolving the business.
liquidation n. (Euphemistic) Murder of dehumanized victims.
NULLIFIDIANnullifidian n. A sceptic; an atheist or unbeliever.
nullifidian adj. Of no faith or religion; not trusting to faith for salvation.
NULLIFIDIAN n. one of no faith or religion; a skeptic in matters of religion.
UNIDIOMATICunidiomatic adj. Not idiomatic.
UNIDIOMATIC adj. not idiomatic.
UNINITIATEDuninitiated adj. Not having been initiated; not having the special knowledge of a particular group.
UNINITIATED adj. not initiated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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