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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, D, H, M, N, O and T

BADMOUTHINGbadmouthing v. Present participle of badmouth.
bad-mouthing v. Present participle of bad-mouth.
BADMOUTH v. to abuse.
CHONDROMATAchondromata n. Plural of chondroma.
CHONDROMA n. a benign cartilaginous growth.
ENDOTHERMALendothermal adj. Endothermic.
ENDOTHERMAL adj. characterized by or formed with absorption of heat, also ENDOTHERMIC.
ENTHRALDOMSenthraldoms n. Plural of enthraldom.
ENTHRALDOM n. (archaic) the state of being enthralled.
ETHIONAMIDEethionamide n. (Pharmacology) An antibiotic prodrug C8H10N2S effective only against mycobacteria and used in the treatment…
ETHIONAMIDE n. a compound used against mycobacteria, as in tuberculosis and leprosy.
ETHIONAMIDSSorry, definition not available.
GRANDMOTHERgrandmother n. A mother of someone’s parent.
grandmother n. A female ancestor or progenitor.
grand-mother n. Obsolete form of grandmother.
HEATHENDOMSheathendoms n. Plural of heathendom.
HEATHENDOM n. (archaic) heathenism, also HEATHENESSE, HEATHENISM.
HYDROMANTIChydromantic adj. Of or pertaining to hydromancy.
HYDROMANTIC adj. related to hydromancy, divination by water.
MATRONHOODSMATRONHOOD n. the state of being a matron.
MENTHOLATEDmentholated adj. Impregnated with menthol.
MENTHOLATED adj. containing menthol.
MONOHYDRATEmonohydrate n. (Chemistry) A hydrate whose solid contains a single molecule of water of crystallization per molecule…
MONOHYDRATE n. a hydrate containing one molecule of water per molecule of the compound.
MOTHERLANDSmotherlands n. Plural of motherland.
MOTHERLAND n. a country regarded as a place of origin (as of an idea or a movement).
MUTTONHEADSmuttonheads n. Plural of muttonhead.
MUTTONHEAD n. a heavy, stupid person.
PNEUMATHODEPNEUMATHODE n. a band or pore or aerating tissue, esp. along the stipes of ferns.
TRICHOMONADtrichomonad n. Any of many flagellate protozoans of the genus Trichomonas, most of which are parasitic.
TRICHOMONAD n. any of various flagellate protozoans occurring in the digestive and urogenital tracts of vertebrates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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