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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, D, G, 2N, O and U

ABOUNDINGLYaboundingly adv. In an abounding manner; in a manner that abounds.
aboundingly adv. To an abounding degree.
ANDROGENOUSandrogenous adj. (Biochemistry) Of, pertaining to, or producing androgens; androgenic.
androgenous adj. Misspelling of androgynous.
ANDROGENOUS adj. having only male offspring.
ANDROGYNOUSandrogynous adj. Possessing the sex organs of both sexes.
androgynous adj. Pertaining to a feature or characteristic that is not definitively of either sex.
androgynous adj. Possessing qualities of both sexes.
AUDITIONINGauditioning v. Present participle of audition.
AUDITION v. to give a trial performance.
COADUNATINGcoadunating v. Present participle of coadunate.
COADUNATE v. to unite, to combine.
NONGRADUATEnongraduate n. A person who is not a graduate.
NONGRADUATE n. one who is not a graduate.
OUTHANDLINGouthandling v. Present participle of outhandle.
OUTHANDLE v. to handle better than.
OUTSTANDINGoutstanding v. Present participle of outstand.
outstanding adj. Prominent or noticeable; standing out from others.
outstanding adj. Exceptionally good; distinguished from others by its superiority.
QUINDECAGONquindecagon n. (Geometry) A polygon with fifteen sides and fifteen angles.
QUINDECAGON n. a geometric figure having fifteen sides and fifteen angles.
SQUADRONINGsquadroning v. Present participle of squadron.
SQUADRON v. to organize in divisions of a regiment.
UNCONGEALEDuncongealed adj. That has not congealed.
UNCONGEAL v. to thaw; to become liquid again.
UNDIAGNOSEDundiagnosed adj. (Of a disease or condition) That had not been diagnosed.
undiagnosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of undiagnose.
UNDIAGNOSED adj. not diagnosed.
UNORGANISEDunorganised adj. (British spelling, of a person) Poorly organised, lacking the ability to organise.
unorganised adj. (Of an object) Not organised, not having any arrangement.
UNORGANISED adj. not organised.
UNORGANIZEDunorganized adj. Not organized: not having been organized.
UNORGANIZED adj. not organized.
UNPARAGONEDunparagoned adj. (Archaic) Superlative; the best; without equal.
UNPARAGONED adj. unmatched.
UNPARDONINGunpardoning adj. That does not pardon; unforgiving.
UNPARDONING adj. not pardoning.
UNSHADOWINGunshadowing v. Present participle of unshadow.
UNSHADOW v. to remove from shadow, clear of shadow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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