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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, D, G, H, I, O and S

ADMONISHINGadmonishing v. Present participle of admonish.
admonishing n. Admonishment.
ADMONISH v. to reprove mildly.
AUDIOGRAPHSaudiographs n. Plural of audiograph.
AUDIOGRAPH n. a machine used to test a patient's hearing by transmitting sound waves directly to the inner ear.
BESHADOWINGbeshadowing v. Present participle of beshadow.
BESHADOW v. to cast a shadow on.
DICHOGAMIESDICHOGAMY n. an arrangement for preventing the self-fertilization of hermaphrodite flowers, the stamens and stigmas ripening at different times.
DICHOGAMOUSdichogamous adj. (Botany) Exhibiting dichogamy.
DICHOGAMOUS adj. having males and females maturing at different rates.
DISCOGRAPHYdiscography n. Complete collection of the releases of a musical act.
discography n. List of all of the releases of a certain musical act, usually with release dates, and often with other…
discography n. (Medicine) radiography of the spine after injection of a contrast medium into a disc.
DISHOARDINGdishoarding v. Present participle of dishoard.
DISHOARD v. to put previously withheld (money) into circulation.
ENDOPHAGIESENDOPHAGY n. cannibalism within a tribe; eating away from within.
GOLIATHISEDGOLIATHISE v. to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly, also GOLIATHIZE.
HIDALGOISMSHIDALGOISM n. the state of being a hidalgo, a Spanish nobleman of the lower class.
ORCHARDINGSORCHARDING n. the cultivation of orchards.
OVERSHADINGovershading v. Present participle of overshade.
OVERSHADE v. to cover with shade.
PEDAGOGUISHPEDAGOGUISH adj. in the manner of a pedagogue.
RADIOGRAPHSradiographs n. Plural of radiograph.
RADIOGRAPH n. a picture produced by the Rontgen rays upon a sensitive surface, photographic or fluorescent, esp. a picture of opaque objects traversed by the rays.
RHODANISINGRHODANISE v. to electroplate with rhodium, also RHODANIZE.
UNSHADOWINGunshadowing v. Present participle of unshadow.
UNSHADOW v. to remove from shadow, clear of shadow.
VAGABONDISHvagabondish adj. Like a vagabond.
VAGABONDISH adj. like a vagabond.
WEIGHBOARDSweighboards n. Plural of weighboard.
WEIGHBOARD n. a thin geological seam separating larger strata, also WAYBOARD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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