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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, D, F, O, 2R and S

AFTERWORLDSafterworlds n. Plural of afterworld.
after-worlds n. Plural of after-world.
AFTERWORLD n. a future world.
DISFAVOURERdisfavourer n. One who disfavours.
DISFAVOURER n. one who disfavours.
FAIRGROUNDSfairgrounds n. Alternative spelling of fairground; the grounds where a fair is held.
fairgrounds n. Plural of fairground.
FAIRGROUND n. an area where outdoor fairs, circuses, or exhibitions are held.
FIBERBOARDSfiberboards n. Plural of fiberboard.
FIBERBOARD n. (US) a material made from compressed wood fibres, also FIBREBOARD.
FIBREBOARDSfibreboards n. Plural of fibreboard.
FIBREBOARD n. a material made from compressed wood fibres, also FIBERBOARD.
FIREDRAGONSfiredragons n. Plural of firedragon.
FIREDRAGON n. a fire-breathing dragon, also FIREDRAKE.
FLOORBOARDSfloorboards n. Plural of floorboard.
FLOORBOARD n. a board in a floor.
FOREORDAINSforeordains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foreordain.
FOREORDAIN v. to ordain or appoint beforehand.
FORWARDINGSforwardings n. Plural of forwarding.
FORWARDING n. the act of sending on e.g. mail.
FORWARDNESSforwardness n. The quality of being forward.
FORWARDNESS n. the state of being forward.
FREELOADERSfreeloaders n. Plural of freeloader.
FREELOADER n. one who freeloads.
FROWARDNESSfrowardness n. The quality of being froward.
FROWARDNESS n. the state of being froward.
INFRAORDERSinfraorders n. Misspelling of infra-orders.
infra-orders n. Plural of infraorder.
MICROFARADSmicrofarads n. Plural of microfarad.
micro-farads n. Plural of micro-farad.
MICROFARAD n. the millionth part of a farad.
REFORMADOESreformadoes n. Plural of reformado.
REFORMADO n. (Spanish) a monk of a reformed order, also REFORMADE.
SURFBOARDEDsurfboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of surfboard.
SURFBOARD v. to surf on a surfboard.
SURFBOARDERsurfboarder n. A person who surfboards; a surfer.
SURFBOARDER n. one who uses a surfboard.
SWORDCRAFTSSWORDCRAFT n. skill at making swords.
TRANSFORMEDtransformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of transform.
transformed adj. Given a completely different form or appearance.
TRANSFORM v. to change into another form.
WAFERBOARDSwaferboards n. Plural of waferboard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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