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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, D, F, I, 2N and R

CONFIRMANDSconfirmands n. Plural of confirmand.
CONFIRMAND n. a candidate for religious confirmation.
FARRANDINESfarrandines n. Plural of farrandine.
FARRANDINE n. (obsolete) a silk and wool cloth, also FARANDINE, FERRANDINE.
FERRANDINESferrandines n. Plural of ferrandine.
FERRANDINE n. (obsolete) a silk and wool cloth, also FARANDINE, FARRANDINE.
FINANCIEREDfinanciered v. Simple past tense and past participle of financier.
FINANCIER v. to conduct financial operations; to swindle.
FOREHANDINGforehanding v. Present participle of forehand.
FOREHAND v. to play a shot forehand.
FUNDRAISINGfundraising n. The process of collecting money by requesting donations from individuals and businesses.
fundraising adj. (Attributive) Relating to raising money (funds), particularly for charities.
fund-raising n. Alternative spelling of fundraising.
INFRASOUNDSinfrasounds n. Plural of infrasound.
INFRASOUND n. frequencies below the usual audible limit.
PREFINANCEDprefinanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of prefinance.
PREFINANCED adj. financed in advance.
RANGEFINDERrangefinder n. Any of several designs of optical (or other) instrument that is used to measure the distance to an object.
rangefinder n. (Photography) Abbreviation of rangefinder camera.
range␣finder n. Alternative spelling of rangefinder.
RINFORZANDOrinforzando n. (Music) A style of playing with special emphasis.
RINFORZANDO adv. (Italian) with a sudden stress or crescendo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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