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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, D, F, 2I and 2N

DEFINIENTIAdefinientia n. Plural of definiens.
DEFINIENS n. (Latin) a word or words used in a dictionary definition.
DENAZIFYINGdenazifying v. Present participle of denazify.
de-nazifying v. Present participle of de-nazify.
de-Nazifying v. Present participle of de-Nazify.
FINANCIEREDfinanciered v. Simple past tense and past participle of financier.
FINANCIER v. to conduct financial operations; to swindle.
FUNDRAISINGfundraising n. The process of collecting money by requesting donations from individuals and businesses.
fundraising adj. (Attributive) Relating to raising money (funds), particularly for charities.
fund-raising n. Alternative spelling of fundraising.
INDEFINABLEindefinable adj. That which cannot be precisely defined or put into words.
indefinable adj. That which defies description; indescribable.
indefinable n. Anything that cannot be defined.
INDEFINABLYindefinably adv. In an indefinable manner.
INDEFINABLE adv. that cannot be defined, also UNDEFINABLE.
INFAMONISEDINFAMONISE v. to defame, to brand with infamy, also INFAMONIZE.
INFAMONIZEDINFAMONIZE v. to defame, to brand with infamy, also INFAMONISE.
INFANTICIDEinfanticide n. The murder of an infant.
infanticide n. The murder of a child by a parent; filicide.
infanticide n. (Law, Canada) The criminal offence of killing of a newborn, committed by its mother while psychologically…
INFEUDATIONinfeudation n. The act, under the feudal system, of putting someone into possession of a fee or fief; enfeoffment.
INFEUDATION n. the granting of feoff; transfer of tithes to layman.
INFIELDSMANINFIELDSMAN n. one who plays in the infield.
INFINITATEDinfinitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of infinitate.
INFINITATE v. to make infinite.
INFUNDIBULAinfundibula n. Plural of infundibulum.
INFUNDIBULUM n. a funnel-shaped body part (e.g. the nares).
LANDFILLINGlandfilling v. Present participle of landfill.
LANDFILLING n. the process of filling in land by the disposal of rubbish.
MANIFOLDINGmanifolding v. Present participle of manifold.
MANIFOLD v. to make many copies of.
NULLIFIDIANnullifidian n. A sceptic; an atheist or unbeliever.
nullifidian adj. Of no faith or religion; not trusting to faith for salvation.
NULLIFIDIAN n. one of no faith or religion; a skeptic in matters of religion.
PATHFINDINGpathfinding n. (Computing) The plotting by a computer application of the best route between two points.
pathfinding n. (Biology) The finding of a path to a destination, such as by neuronal axons or developing cells.
PATHFINDING n. the act of marking the way e.g. by flares.
UNMAGNIFIEDunmagnified adj. Not magnified.
unmagnified v. Simple past tense and past participle of unmagnify.
UNMAGNIFIED adj. not magnified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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