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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, D, E, 2M, R and S

COMMANDEERScommandeers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of commandeer.
COMMANDEER v. to compel to perform military service.
COMMEASUREDcommeasured v. Simple past tense and past participle of commeasure.
COMMEASURE v. to be commensurate with; to equal.
DECAGRAMMESdecagrammes n. Plural of decagramme.
DECAGRAMME n. a weight of the metric system; ten grams, also DECAGRAM, DEKAGRAM.
DECIGRAMMESdecigrammes n. Plural of decigramme.
DECIGRAMME n. a tenth of a gram, also DECIGRAM.
DISARMAMENTdisarmament n. The reduction or the abolition of the military forces and armaments of a nation, and of its capability to wage war.
disarmament n. The act of disarming an opponent in a fight.
DISARMAMENT n. the act of disarming.
HAMMERHEADShammerheads n. Plural of hammerhead.
HAMMERHEAD n. a type of shark.
IMMISERATEDimmiserated v. Simple past tense and past participle of immiserate.
immiserated adj. Poor, impoverished; destitute.
MAISTERDOMEMAISTERDOME n. (obsolete) mastery.
MASTERMINDSmasterminds n. Plural of mastermind.
masterminds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mastermind.
MASTERMIND v. to originate, think out, and direct.
MEGASTARDOMmegastardom n. The state of someone acknowledged as a megastar.
MEMORANDUMSmemorandums n. Plural of memorandum.
MEMORANDUM n. (Latin) a note to help the memory.
MISDEMEANORmisdemeanor n. (Law) A crime usually punishable upon conviction by a small fine or by a short term of imprisonment…
misdemeanor n. Any act of misbehavior.
MISDEMEANOR n. (US) a crime less serious than a felony, also MISDEMEANOUR.
MISMEASUREDmismeasured v. Simple past tense and past participle of mismeasure.
MISMEASURE v. to measure or estimate incorrectly.
MODERATISMSmoderatisms n. Plural of moderatism.
MODERATISM n. moderation in doctrines or opinion, esp. in politics or religion.
REMANDMENTSremandments n. Plural of remandment.
REMANDMENT n. the act of remanding.
WINDJAMMERSwindjammers n. Plural of windjammer.
WINDJAMMER n. a large merchant sailing ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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