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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, D, E, H, I, L and U

AUDIOPHILESaudiophiles n. Plural of audiophile.
AUDIOPHILE n. a person who is enthusiastic about hi-fidelity sound reproduction, also AUDIOPHIL.
DIADELPHOUSdiadelphous adj. (Botany) Having its stamens fused together at least partly by the filaments so that they form two separate…
DIADELPHOUS adj. having the filaments united to make two groups.
DICEPHALOUSdicephalous adj. Two-headed.
DICEPHALOUS adj. having two heads.
DISULPHATESdisulphates n. Plural of disulphate.
DISULPHATE n. a pyrosulphate.
HARLEQUINEDharlequined v. Simple past tense and past participle of harlequin.
HARLEQUIN v. to play a harlequin.
HEULANDITESheulandites n. Plural of heulandite.
HEULANDITE n. a mineral of the zeolite family, a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime.
HUSBANDLIERHUSBANDLY adj. of or like a husband.
HUSBANDLIKEhusbandlike adj. Resembling a husband.
HUSBANDLIKE adj. like a husband.
HYPERDULIAShyperdulias n. Plural of hyperdulia.
HYPERDULIA n. in Roman Catholicism, the veneration accorded to the Virgin Mary.
LOUDHAILERSloudhailers n. Plural of loudhailer.
loud␣hailers n. Plural of loud hailer.
LOUDHAILER n. a megaphone.
MULTIHEADEDmultiheaded adj. Having multiple heads.
MULTIHEADED adj. having many heads.
UNABOLISHEDunabolished adj. Not abolished.
UNABOLISHED adj. not abolished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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