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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, D, E, G, L, N and P

DAPPERLINGSdapperlings n. Plural of dapperling.
DAPPERLING n. (archaic) a dapper little fellow.
DEPRAVINGLYdepravingly adv. In a depraving manner.
DEPRAVING adv. DEPRAVE, to corrupt in morals.
DISPLEASINGdispleasing adj. Unattractive, dislikable, objectionable.
displeasing v. Present participle of displease.
DISPLEASING adj. causing displeasure; disagreeable.
FRANKPLEDGEfrankpledge n. (Law, historical) A form of collective suretyship and punishment under English law among the members of a tithing.
frankpledge n. Any group so similarly answerable for the conduct of all its members and liable for collective punishment.
frankpledge n. (Law, historical) A decener: a member of a tithing bound in frankpledge.
LIPREADINGSLIPREADING n. the interpreting of speech by watching the speaker's lip and facial movements without hearing the voice.
MISPLEADINGmispleading v. Present participle of misplead.
mispleading n. (Law) An error in pleading.
MISPLEADING n. an error in pleading.
PEDESTALINGpedestaling v. Present participle of pedestal.
PEDESTAL v. to provide with an architectural support.
PENDULATINGpendulating v. Present participle of pendulate.
PENDULATE v. to swing as a pendulum.
PLANTIGRADEplantigrade adj. (Zoology) Of an animal: walking with the entire sole of the foot on the ground.
plantigrade n. (Zoology) A plantigrade animal; an animal that walks with the entire sole of the foot on the ground.
PLANTIGRADE adj. walking on the soles of the feet, as humans do.
PLUNDERAGESPLUNDERAGE n. the embezzlement of goods on shipboard.
PREHANDLINGPREHANDLE v. to handle beforehand.
PRESIGNALEDPRESIGNAL v. to signal in advance.
PROLONGATEDprolongated adj. Prolonged.
PROLONGATE v. to prolong.
SPREADINGLYspreadingly adv. In a manner that spreads out.
SPREADING adv. expansive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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